Sending a Beautiful Woman to Negotiate? Not Effective!

After carefully planning in his mind how he would negotiate the commission with the Chinese International Police on the day of the transaction, Lu Ting, who had only returned to his estate base a few hours ago, lay down on his bed and fell into a deep sleep.


Whether fighting local bandits and terrorists or traveling in disguise from Dakar over the past few days, he hadn't truly rested. Now back at his estate base, the place where Lu Ting felt most secure, he finally let go of the tension that had been gripping him.


Once completely relaxed, exhaustion washed over him like the tide, and Lu Ting quickly entered a deep sleep.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, the Chinese International Police were busy preparing for the face-to-face transaction with Lu Ting in Ivya after two days!


Given the tense situation in Ivya at the moment, they needed various formalities to enter Ivya from China.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.


Soon, the agreed-upon time for the transaction with the Chinese International Police arrived.


At nine in the morning,


Lu Ting, carrying the storage card, drove his estate's only off-road vehicle towards the agreed meeting place with the Chinese International Police.


Along the way, as he looked at the desert landscape with swirling yellow sand, his mood was unusually beautiful. Just thinking about the commission soon to be in his hands made Lu Ting press down harder on the accelerator.


An eight-kilometer journey. Lu Ting drove the off-road vehicle and arrived at the agreed-upon meeting place in less than twenty minutes, Bahar Town.


After parking the car, Lu Ting got out and took out his phone, dialing a number provided by the Chinese International Police via email.



The phone rang only briefly before someone answered.


Immediately, a somewhat cold and emotionless female voice came through the receiver.




The woman's voice on the other end made Lu Ting furrow his brows slightly, his face showing a hint of surprise.


He hadn't expected the Chinese International Police to send a female detective to negotiate the transaction with him.


As Lu Ting had mentioned before, the situation in Ivya was chaotic. Every day, the sounds of intense battles between the regular army and terrorist factions could be heard. Despite this, they sent a female detective on official business to handle such an important transaction.


Moreover, allowing her to handle this kind of task was particularly important for the Chinese International Police.


Considering these points, it could only mean that the female detective meeting Lu Ting face-to-face today was also not a simple character!


Thinking this, a slightly meaningful look flashed in Lu Ting's eyes. Immediately, he gathered his thoughts and responded to the person on the phone, "I've arrived in town. Where are you guys?"


As soon as he finished speaking,


The woman on the phone promptly and succinctly replied, "Look towards your right at three o'clock, second floor of the restaurant."


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting quickly turned slightly to his right as instructed, looking towards the second floor of the restaurant, a hundred meters away.


In an instant, he spotted a girl with long, dark red hair, wearing a black leather jacket and large sunglasses on her face, standing by the window on the second floor of the restaurant.


Seeing Lu Ting glance over, she raised her hand to signal him.


Without wasting any time, Lu Ting hung up the phone and immediately headed towards the restaurant.


Once inside, he headed straight for the second floor near the window.


And the girl who had been sitting in the chair, drinking watermelon juice through a straw, immediately stood up when she saw Lu Ting approaching.


When Lu Ting approached, the girl took off her sunglasses and proactively extended her hand, greeting him in fluent English, "Mr. Lu, hello. I'm Chen Yaoguang, responsible for negotiating with you this time."




Lu Ting also extended his hand, lightly shaking hers before letting go. He then pulled out a chair and sat down. Despite the young Chinese girl sitting opposite him having naturally attractive features—flawless face and figure—at this moment, Lu Ting's mind was solely focused on money.


As for women, as long as there's enough money, what kind of woman couldn't he get?


At this moment, Chen Yaoguang looked calmly at the young man sitting in front of her, and her gaze couldn't help but carry a hint of appraisal.


To be honest, even now, she found it hard to believe that Lu Ting, such a young mercenary, had single-handedly retrieved the storage card containing such crucial evidence from Dakar, a dangerous place like a dragon's den.


And most importantly, right now, he appeared in good shape, without a single sign of being wounded after a fierce battle.


This was somewhat unexpected for Chen Yaoguang.


However, she quickly restrained her thoughts. After all, someone who could survive in Ivya, even having a private armed group company, was definitely not a simple person.


Many things couldn't be judged by appearance alone. The information Lu Ting had placed on the mercenary dark web was just what he wanted the public to see.


What kind of true strength he actually possessed, probably, besides Lu Ting himself, no one else knew!


And sharing this thought was Lu Ting, sitting across from Chen Yaoguang.


Seeing the young Chinese woman sitting opposite him, Lu Ting's mind immediately raised an alarm. To be honest, he had a bad feeling about this.


Chinese International Police wouldn't just send a young female detective like this to negotiate with him for no reason. Unless she had something particularly outstanding.


In this situation, the only thing Lu Ting could think of was negotiation!


With this in mind, Lu Ting suddenly understood. The female detective who had sacrificed herself before handing him the storage card hadn't specified the exact amount of the commission. She only mentioned that Chinese International Police would provide generous compensation.


And Chinese International Police might be concerned that he would ask for too much. So they sent someone who excelled in negotiation to discuss the commission for this transaction.


(End of the Chapter)