Fixed Price, Fifty Million! Take it or Leave it!

Chinese International Police might be concerned that he would ask for too much. So they sent someone who excelled in negotiation to discuss the commission for this transaction.


Lu Ting suddenly looked into Chen Yaoguang's eyes with a hint of scrutiny.


So, that was her plan.


Although Lu Ting had already guessed as much, he didn't show any sign of it on the surface. He maintained a calm and composed expression, waiting for her to speak first.


"Mr. Lu,"


"We don't need to waste any time."


After a silence of two or three seconds, Chen Yaoguang pushed the newly served ice drink in front of Lu Ting and took the initiative to speak, "I wonder, what is your intended price for the commission of this hiring task?"


While their own people had promised Lu Ting that the Chinese Interpol would provide a very generous reward when handing over the item, they would not simply let Lu Ting name any amount he wanted for the commission.


According to the vast majority of high-difficulty mercenary tasks on the dark web for mercenaries, the total amount reported to the higher authorities by the bureau this time was 35 million chinese coins.


Because the transactions on the mercenary dark web are mostly in dollars, this time, the bureau also specifically exchanged this 35 million chinese coins into a whole 5 million dollars.


However, before Chen Yaoguang came to Ivya, when the bureau asked her, the general meaning was to save money if she could!


Therefore, she did not directly disclose her bottom-line offer to Lu Ting, but instead chose to test his expectations of the price, and then moderately cut the price.


After hearing the other party's words, Lu Ting was really too lazy to wrangle with her. He picked up the iced drink in front of him, took a sip, didn't speak, but raised one hand directly and made a gesture of 'five'.


Seeing this, Chen Yaoguang, sitting opposite him, frowned slightly, obviously not expecting Lu Ting to call out exactly all the money they had prepared when he first arrived.


'Five million dollars'


Chen Yaoguang's exquisitely beautiful face was a bit difficult to express, and she said with a bit of a bad expression, "Mr. Lu, before I came, I also looked at the mercenary dark web, five million is..."


"You, wait!"


Just as Chen Yaoguang was about to bring out examples of the commissions of those mercenaries on the dark web and argue with Lu Ting, she had not even said half of her words and was interrupted by Lu Ting.


Suddenly, Lu Ting, who had no expression on his face, looked at Chen Yaoguang, who was full of doubts at this time. After half a second, he spoke without surprise or panic, saying, "When did I say this was five million?


Upon hearing Lu Ting's words, Chen Yaoguang was momentarily stunned. Then, her gaze once again fell on the hand he had raised in front of her, and she realized something was amiss.


This bastard.


Could he be asking for fifty million?!


Sure enough, just as Chen Yaoguang thought this to herself, Lu Ting, seated opposite her, continued, "My specified commission is fifty million."


As his words settled, silence enveloped the table.


Two seconds later, Chen Yaoguang looked at Lu Ting's calm and composed demeanor and couldn't help feeling that his initial asking price was outrageous. Her polite expression faded from her face, replaced by a hint of astonishment.


"Fifty million?!"


Chen Yaoguang didn't need to ask further to understand. When Lu Ting mentioned fifty million, it couldn't possibly be fifty million chinese coins but fifty million dollars!


I knew this greedy kid would ask for a lot, but I didn't expect you to ask for this much!


Fifty million dollars?!


Converted into chinese coins, that's over three hundred and fifty million!


Are you really asking for this much?!




While internally cursing Lu Ting's greed, Chen Yaoguang managed to maintain a faint, cold smile on her face.


The next moment, she straightened up, her previously courteous demeanor giving way to a serious expression. "Mr. Lu, please don't joke. We, from China, sincerely want to reach a deal with you."


Seeing her earnest and serious expression, Lu Ting couldn't help but show a faint smile. However, he remained firm. "I don't have time to joke. Fifty million. Decide whether you accept or not."


Chen Yaoguang: ...


Seeing Lu Ting's unwavering stance, Chen Yaoguang was speechless. Even the most renowned mercenary companies on the dark web didn't offer commissions as high as fifty million dollars.


Lu Ting himself knew that his asking price was exceptionally high. Considering the backing of the International Police of China, perhaps they could actually afford it? However, judging by the woman's reaction, she had clearly come prepared and wouldn't blindly agree to a commission far above market rates.


So, Lu Ting waved his hand, conceding with a compromising expression. "OK, since you say you're sincere about this deal, how much commission are you prepared to offer?"


With this statement, Chen Yaoguang found herself unsure how to proceed. After all, compared to Lu Ting's initial demand of fifty million dollars, the amount she had prepared in her mind was now quite difficult to utter!


Lu Ting didn't rush her, his eyes fixed on Chen Yaoguang, waiting for her to name a price.


Finally, after taking a deep breath, Chen Yaoguang seemed to have made a decision. Looking directly at Lu Ting, she said, "After our research, we've decided to offer Mr. Lu a reward. Though it differs somewhat from your earlier figure, it is entirely based on market rates."


Hearing her preamble, Lu Ting's face showed undeniable agreement, waiting for her to continue.


Without further delay, Chen Yaoguang stated a figure, "One million."




Lu Ting: ???


With the utterance of these words, silence once again filled the space around their dining table.


Lu Ting remained silent, and Chen Yaoguang didn't speak further. She simply observed his facial expressions change visibly upon hearing her offer of one million dollars.


As she expected, after stating the price of one million dollars, Lu Ting's expression across the table turned noticeably dark at a visible speed.


It's no wonder Lu Ting would feel displeased, after all, the difference between fifty million dollars and one million dollars was indeed huge.


(End of the Chapter)