Oh, Are you trying to dismiss me as a Beggar?

The silence between the two continued to spread silently. Eventually, Chen Yaoguang was the first to break the silence, saying, "Mr. Lu, I know the price you expected in your heart, and it differs greatly."


Differs greatly?


Upon hearing Chen Yaoguang's words, Lu Ting couldn't help but burst into laughter.


Is this considered a great difference?!


Are you carrying a dragon-slaying knife with you?!


Directly chopping off forty-nine million dollars with one stroke?!


Immediately after, Lu Ting leaned forward in his chair, unable to resist, staring at Chen Yaoguang's pitch-black pupils across from him, confirming to her, "Is this the result your group came up with?"


At this point, Lu Ting's expression had completely changed. He questioned, "Is this what you call... sincerity?"


"One million."


"Are you trying to dismiss me as a beggar? Do you know what price I paid!"


One million, not even reaching the minimum commission price Lu Ting initially estimated. Does the International Criminal Police Organization of China really think he's that easy to bully?!


"Mr. Lu, please don't get angry."


Seeing Lu Ting's face already changing colors completely, Chen Yaoguang immediately realized and prepared to raise the commission further.


But at this moment, Lu Ting was already too lazy to listen to her anymore. One million dollars?


Don't make me laugh!


Does he lack this one million?


Well, right now, he seems to be lacking it.




With a price of one million dollars, can't others afford it too?!


Anyway, now that the item is in his hands, who says he must sell it to the International Criminal Police Organization of China?!


Then, even if he doesn't sell this storage card back to Arthur, Lu Ting can just put this thing on the dark web. By then, with just a brief description of what's in the storage card, he knew many people would be interested in it!


Thinking of this, Lu Ting no longer wasted time. He stood up straight from his chair and looked at Chen Yaoguang, saying, "Keep this one million for yourselves!"


Having said that,


Lu Ting turned around and was about to leave without hesitation!


"Mr. Lu!"


Seeing Lu Ting actually about to leave without a word, Chen Yaoguang was suddenly anxious and stood up with him. At the same time, she reached out and grabbed Lu Ting's arm.


Perhaps their movement was a bit too loud, attracting the curious gazes of strangers dining around them, filled with gossipy probing eyes.


Lu Ting and Chen Yaoguang, both rare Asian faces, and moreover, belonging to the category of handsome men and beautiful women, are now pulling and tugging in public.


It inevitably made the surrounding onlookers imagine a drama of love and hate!


As for the curious glances around, Chen Yaoguang didn't care much. She held onto Lu Ting's sleeve and refused to let go, lowering her voice and saying, "If you're not satisfied, we can still negotiate. Please don't leave yet."


With an impatient expression already showing on his face, Lu Ting glanced down at Chen Yaoguang's hand grabbing his sleeve. The latter immediately let go in understanding.


To be honest, Lu Ting didn't really want to continue talking to her. Seeing her like this, even if they negotiate again, the commission won't reach the price he expected in his mind.


Don't even talk about fifty million, I'm afraid even ten million is beyond what their China International Criminal Police can afford!


But at this moment, after seeing Lu Ting's reaction, Chen Yaoguang also brought up an additional condition.


She took out a simple document from her side seat bag, placed it on the table, and said, "Regarding the commission, there's still room for negotiation. If necessary, we can offer Mr. Lu assistance in other aspects."


According to the information collected by their China International Criminal Police, although the Immortal Arms Group under Lu Ting's name is still operational, it's merely a facade. Inside, it has long since collapsed.


Upon discovering this before coming to Ivya, their bureau immediately reported and applied upward. If the commissioned amount approved isn't sufficient, they can provide some assistance in terms of weapons to Lu Ting.


Any weapons and equipment China sells abroad can be provided to him in a batch if needed.


Of course, the quantity of weapons is limited, and this offer is only valid this once!


The document Chen Yaoguang took out from her bag and placed on the table lists all types of weapons and equipment currently for sale abroad by China.


Afterward, Chen Yaoguang looked at Lu Ting, indicating for him to sit down and carefully examine the document.


Seeing this, Lu Ting didn't hesitate. He reached out and picked up the document from the table.


Upon opening it, Lu Ting saw various types of weapons and equipment available in China.


In an instant, Lu Ting understood Chen Yaoguang's intention. If money wasn't enough, they were offering equipment to make up for it?


If that's the case...


Lu Ting felt this matter needed further discussion.


China's current international military strength ranks among the top three globally. Although some of their weapons and equipment may not match the quality of Mold's, they are definitely not inferior.


After all, high-end weapons like armed helicopters and fighter jets aren't listed in this document.


The most they can provide Lu Ting are some firearms, ammunition, or single-person combat weapons like anti-aircraft missiles.


And Lu Ting indeed needs these weapons and equipment now. Even though his system includes the most comprehensive global arms dealer database, prestigious items don't come cheap.


And Lu Ting doesn't have much prestige.




After roughly scanning through the document in his hand, Lu Ting had no intention of sitting back down. Instead, he spoke to Chen Yaoguang as if issuing a final ultimatum, saying, "Alright then, I'll take a loss. Five million dollars, and all the weapons and equipment listed in this document, send me a batch!"


Chen Yaoguang: "..."


Kid, do you understand negotiation?


Are you serious about this?!


The weapons and equipment listed in this document add up to hundreds of varieties. These are for you to choose from, not for you to take all of them!


And sending a batch too...


Do you think this is cabbage?!


Even Chen Yaoguang, a police captain accustomed to dealing with all sorts of people, couldn't help but internally critique Lu Ting's statement at this moment.


But outwardly, she still tried to maintain a polite and courteous demeanor, kindly reminding him, "Mr. Lu, asking for all of them... isn't that a bit... too much?"


Yet, upon hearing her words, Lu Ting responded with a rhetorical question, "Too much?! Compared to the forty-nine million dollars less than I expected, isn't it still far off?"


Chen Yaoguang: "..."


(End of the Chapter)