Greedy Ghost who eats People without Spitting out Bones!

Translator: Cinder Translations





Although Chen Yaoguang had mentally prepared herself with a series of scenarios before coming to Ivya, she never imagined that Lu Ting would be so shameless!




Absolutely shameless!


Even though this hiring operation was entirely his solo endeavor, the commission he quoted was outrageously high, completely breaking the norms!


But right now, Chen Yaoguang had no way to deal with him using her usual methods of handling criminals on Lu Ting.


Moreover, she didn't think that scolding Lu Ting with cold words would reduce the commission.


Now that what they wanted was held by Lu Ting, Chen Yaoguang had to suppress her anger and speak calmly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, the conditions you've proposed are beyond my authority to approve. I need to make a phone call to seek permission."


Five million dollars and providing Lu Ting with that batch of weapons are not small sums. Chen Yaoguang needed to call back to the Director for approval.


After hearing Chen Yaoguang's request, Lu Ting didn't make things difficult for her. He simply sat back down and nodded, indicating she could make the call.


Seeing this, Chen Yaoguang didn't waste any time. She took out her phone from her bag and headed straight to the balcony outside the second-floor dining area.


"Hello, Director Hong."


After dialing, someone quickly answered, and Chen Yaoguang immediately reported the negotiation result with Lu Ting to Director Hong, who was waiting at the other end of the world for her to bring back the goods.


"This guy is simply an insatiable greedy ghost!"


Thinking back to the negotiation process with Lu Ting just now, Chen Yaoguang couldn't help but complain bitterly about him as her temples pounded.


"He initially asked for a commission fee of fifty million dollars."


As soon as these words were spoken,


Even the Director Hong, who was used to storms and challenges, couldn't help but stand up from his genuine leather boss chair at the other end of the phone, his face full of shock as he confirmed with Chen Yaoguang, "Fifty million?!"


"He asked for fifty million dollars?"


"Yes, fifty million dollars."


Director Hong: "..."


Hearing the Director Hong's reaction similar to her own, Chen Yaoguang couldn't help but rub her temples. She continued, "But now, he's changed his mind. He now wants only five million dollars, but we have to provide him with a batch of weapons aid."


Upon hearing this, Director Hong on the phone nodded understandingly. Offering Lu Ting assistance in weapons was actually another solution he had thought of, but didn't expect it would actually come into play.


That's not a problem since he had already contacted the military personnel over there long ago, and if Lu Ting can accept it, then it should be fine.


"In addition, which weapons and equipment has he set his eyes on? Make a list and after you return, we'll arrange to have the items delivered to him."


"No, Director Hong, he said he wants all of them."


As Chen Yaoguang reached this point, she was utterly speechless. She truly felt Lu Ting's initial conditions were excessively unreasonable!


"All... all of them?!"


Not only Chen Yaoguang, even Director Hong fell silent upon hearing her words, unsure of what to say for a moment.


Lu Ting had clearly seen how badly they needed that storage card, so he seized the opportunity to aggressively fleece them for everything they had, huh? Wanting all of it?


He really had the nerve to ask for that.


After silently venting in his mind, Director Hong reluctantly considered whether they could meet Lu Ting's conditions.


Meanwhile, on the balcony corridor of the restaurant's second floor, Chen Yaoguang turned to look at Lu Ting sitting at his table, and continued speaking to Director Hong on the phone, "Director Hong, I feel this should be his final bottom line. If we reduce the commission any further, I'm afraid he..."


At this point, Chen Yaoguang didn't finish her sentence, but the implication was clear.


That is, if they continued to reduce the commission, Lu Ting might refuse to cooperate.


As her words fell silent, there was a moment of quiet on the phone. After a few seconds, Director Hong's voice came through the receiver.




"We agree to his demands!"


At the same time,


While Chen Yaoguang was communicating on the balcony corridor outside, Lu Ting, who sat motionless at his seat, was actually listening attentively to her conversation. He couldn't hear the exact words from her phone's receiver, but he could clearly understand what Chen Yaoguang was saying.


Upon hearing Chen Yaoguang's conversation and the concluding 'good' from the other end, Lu Ting immediately knew that what he wanted was about to be secured!


Sure enough,


Soon after, Chen Yaoguang hung up the phone and walked back inside. Sitting across from Lu Ting, she took a moment to contemplate before speaking with a serious expression, "Mr. Lu, we agree to your terms."


"The five million dollars will be transferred to your bank account within ten minutes of me receiving the goods. As for the weapons assistance, it will be prepared for you after I return to the country."


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting, who had been frowning until now, finally showed a more satisfied expression. He nodded in agreement, "OK, let's settle on that."


Although the commission of five million dollars was still significantly lower than his initial minimum of thirty million, with the addition of this batch of weapons provided by China, it should be quite close.


After all, with his current status and position, he didn't have the qualifications to push too hard for a better deal.


"Mr. Lu,"


Seeing Lu Ting's lack of further dissatisfaction, Chen Yaoguang continued smoothly, bringing up the main purpose of her visit to Ivya, "Now that we've agreed on the commission, shouldn't you hand over the item to me?"


Finishing her statement, Chen Yaoguang stared expectantly at Lu Ting.


Without teasing her, Lu Ting reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out the storage card, no larger than a thumbnail, placing it in front of her, saying, "Here it is. I haven't touched anything inside, feel free to check."


Despite being a mercenary, Lu Ting had his own moral bottom line and principles. He would never tamper with items entrusted to him by an employer.


(End of the Chapter)