No matter the Task, It will be Accepted!

Ten billion in commission?! To be honest, even Lu Ting was somewhat dumbfounded upon hearing this figure. After all, even during his year and more in this world with the Immortal Arms Group, he had never been offered such a colossal sum for an employment task! It seemed that even on the dark web for mercenaries, such figures were scarce!


However, now personnel from the Chinese Interpol were approaching him, claiming there was a one-billion employment task to collaborate on. Such an abrupt situation inevitably made Lu Ting think deeply!


It should be noted that earlier today, during his transaction with Chen Yaoguang, the Chinese Interpol had hesitated over a commission of five million dollars. But now, they were offering ten billion straight away?!


After a silent hesitation of a second or two, Lu Ting finally asked in response, "When you say ten billion, you mean chinese coins, right?"


Sure enough, just as Lu Ting had suspected, Chen Yaoguang on the other end of the phone quickly confirmed, "Yes, it's chinese coins."


As if fearing Lu Ting might find it too little and refuse, Chen Yaoguang quickly added, "But ten billion chinese coins equates to over 140 million dollars. Mr. Lu, are you not satisfied with this commission?"


For Lu Ting, over 140 million dollars was indeed a tremendous temptation. And the Chinese Interpol would not casually offer such a high commission without reason. Clearly, this employment task had significantly increased in both danger and difficulty!


"Mr. Lu?"


On the phone, Chen Yaoguang, not hearing Lu Ting's response for a while, started to feel anxious. They had already set such a high commission rate; could Lu Ting possibly find it inadequate?!


Meanwhile, as Lu Ting snapped back to reality upon hearing Chen Yaoguang's voice on the phone, he glanced around at the members of Task Force 141 sitting around the long table. With confidence in his voice, he declared, "Miss Chen, whatever your employment task is, the Immortal Arms Group will take it on!"


If this had been before today, and Chen Yaoguang had approached him alone, Lu Ting would never have dared to agree outright. After all, many employment tasks were impossible for him alone to undertake.


But now, with Task Force 141 by his side, Lu Ting was certain there was no employment task they couldn't handle.


So, when Chen Yaoguang sought confirmation again, Lu Ting decisively accepted without hesitation.


Whether to say or not, the temptation of over 140 million dollars was indeed immense.


And for a mercenary team like theirs now, if they were placed on the dark web for mercenaries, such a price would be appropriate for executing high-difficulty employment tasks.


Of course, while Lu Ting spoke confidently, he would still assess the mission's risks and decide whether to accept based on its contents.


If it was a mission of certain death, not even a hundred billion would make him accept.


Speaking boldly was just to secure this deal!


As for Chen Yaoguang on the phone, upon hearing Lu Ting's agreement, she naturally breathed a sigh of relief. However, Lu Ting's statement just now...


No matter the employment task, the Immortal Arms Group would take it on?


That was quite a confident assertion!


However, as long as Lu Ting was willing to accept this employment, Chen Yaoguang immediately continued, discussing the specific meeting time with Lu Ting.


"Alright, in that case, tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, I will come to find you. I'll inform you about the details of this employment task and your objectives for this mission."


The situation for this employment task was complex, and it couldn't be fully explained over the phone. Chen Yaoguang had received this assignment hastily while waiting for her flight back at the airport.


After swiftly dispatching personnel to Ivya, who promptly retrieved the storage card from Lu Ting, Director Hong's video conference with Chen Yaoguang followed soon after.


Following a two-hour video conference while still in Ivya, Chen Yaoguang was then dispatched to negotiate this employment task with Lu Ting, whom she had just met.


Despite the urgency and complexity of this mission, it was already too late in the day, so Chen Yaoguang decided to meet Lu Ting tomorrow to discuss the details of the employment task in depth.


Lu Ting had no major objections to the proposed meeting time from Chen Yaoguang. He promptly agreed, saying, "Anytime works for me. If you say ten o'clock, then ten o'clock it is."


As Lu Ting finished speaking, Chen Yaoguang on the phone suddenly remembered something and added, "I'm not familiar with the area here, but for tomorrow's meeting, I need a place with strong privacy. It's a matter of great importance."


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting paused for half a second before replying, "That's fine. I'll send you an address shortly, and you can come over tomorrow."


Within several dozen kilometers around this small town, was there a place with better privacy than his estate?


The reason Lu Ting chose to have Chen Yaoguang meet him at his estate to discuss the mission was because of their current large number of personnel, which might require a conference room.


After considering this, Lu Ting nodded and said confidently, "Alright."


Upon hearing Lu Ting's response, Chen Yaoguang immediately agreed.


After briefly discussing the meeting time for tomorrow, Lu Ting didn't waste any more words and hung up the phone. The details of the other matters would naturally be clarified when they met tomorrow.


At this moment, once Lu Ting hung up the phone, all the members of Task Force 141 began to speak.


"Commander, is there a new employment task?"


Seated beside Lu Ting, Captain Price had clearly heard his earlier conversation, and every word indicated that a new employment task had come knocking!


After Captain Price asked this question, the members of Task Force 141 sitting in other positions all showed expressions of anticipation as they looked towards Lu Ting, who sat in the main seat.


Lu Ting had no intention of hiding anything from them. He nodded and said, "Yes, there is an employment task. However, we don't yet know the specific details of this task. The other party only mentioned a commission of 1 billion."


Upon hearing Lu Ting's words, all of Task Force 141 lit up with excitement. They had caught wind of some details from Lu Ting's conversation with the person on the phone earlier.


Although this ten billion commission was in chinese coins, converting it to dollars meant it was over 140 million!


While the Task Force had encountered such large sums of money before, it had never been their own—they had always belonged to the government.


But now, if they completed this employment task, that money would go directly into their own pockets. Just the thought of it made them feel ecstatic!


(End of the Chapter)