Task Force 141’s New Commander

"Commander, honestly, whether it's money or not, I really don't care."


At this moment, Soap, with a smile on his face, looked at Lu Ting and said with an exceptionally hypocritical look, "I mainly miss the battlefield! I feel uncomfortable if I don't fight for a day!"


Upon hearing this, Yuri, sitting opposite him, immediately showed a malicious smile and said, "Then how about you forget about the commission for this first mission? Consider it a gift for the Commander's introduction, what do you say?"


As soon as these words came out, Soap's smile froze instantly. Following that, his eyes shot towards Yuri like daggers, gritting his teeth as he maintained his smile, "If you don't speak, no one will take you for a mute!"


Ding ding —


Seeing the two starting to argue again, Lu Ting smiled, picked up the metal fork beside him, tapped it on the bowl, and said, "Alright, stop jabbering. If you're done eating, let's wrap it up, shall we?"


"After you've bought what you need, return to the base to rest and prepare for tomorrow's mercenary mission."


Facing Lu Ting's inquiry, the members of Task Force 141 all nodded, indicating they were full and ready.


Soon after, under Lu Ting's lead, they left the restaurant.


An hour later,


Returning full and satisfied, Lu Ting and the Task Force 141 all returned to the base estate.


Before heading back to his room, Lu Ting simply told them, "We'll have a meeting at ten o'clock tomorrow morning in the first-floor conference room."


"Understood, Commander!"


"We'll be there at ten sharp tomorrow morning!"


"Goodnight, Commander, wish you sweet dreams tonight!"


"Soap, you're really disgusting, can you stop kissing up?!"


After hearing Lu Ting's instructions, the members of Task Force 141 all responded one after another.


After saying this, Lu Ting didn't say much more, just smiled and turned upstairs.


A quiet night passed,


At nine o'clock the next morning, in a town seven to eight kilometers away from Lu Ting's base estate, wearing a simple white T-shirt with a black leather jacket on top and tight black jeans on the bottom, Chen Yaoguang walked out of the temporary hotel where she stayed last night. She walked straight to her car.


After checking the location Lu Ting had sent last night on her phone, she opened the driver's door, threw her backpack onto the passenger seat behind her, put on sunglasses, started the off-road vehicle, and set off towards the destination.


To be honest, when she called Lu Ting to arrange this yesterday, Chen Yaoguang didn't expect him to agree so quickly.


She knew that although Lu Ting seemed young, he was actually far more mature than peers, and as a professional mercenary, his sense in certain aspects should be quite keen.


From the moment she mentioned the commission was ten billion, he should have known this mercenary mission was not simple. However, the time Lu Ting took to consider whether to accept it was much shorter than Chen Yaoguang had imagined.


From his final wholehearted acceptance, Chen Yaoguang could sense a profound and unwavering confidence.


She hadn't figured out last night where Lu Ting's confidence stemmed from.


Was it confidence in his own abilities, or was it...


Thinking of this, under the sunglasses, Chen Yaoguang's eyes suddenly showed a thoughtful expression. Perhaps when she met Lu Ting, the answers to her doubts would become clear!


Immediately, she pressed the accelerator pedal a bit harder, and the off-road vehicle raced along the highway lined with desert scenery.


Eight or nine minutes later,


Chen Yaoguang drove her off-road vehicle to the location Lu Ting had sent her. Standing before her was a European-style mansion. Against the backdrop of the sandy desert, this slightly magnificent mansion stood out incongruously with its surroundings.


What caught Chen Yaoguang's attention the most was the outer wall surrounding the mansion. Unlike ordinary mansion walls, this one was entirely electric fencing!


Seeing this, Chen Yaoguang realized that this might be the base of Lu Ting's armed group.


Indeed, appearances can be deceiving.


Even though the information available on the mercenary dark web showed Lu Ting's armed group had fallen into decline, this substantial estate was still intact.


Before long, a familiar figure Chen Yaoguang recognized emerged from the main building — Lu Ting.


"Come in."


After opening the door for Chen Yaoguang at the entrance, Lu Ting nodded at her, gesturing for her to enter.


Chen Yaoguang didn't hesitate, immediately stepping inside after him and walking towards the interior of the estate. As they walked, she observed her surroundings.


Upon entering the ground floor lounge, Lu Ting suddenly stopped while leading the way and turned to look at Chen Yaoguang. "You've had breakfast, right?"


Upon hearing this, Chen Yaoguang hesitated for half a second, but quickly realized that Lu Ting's question wasn't about her well-being. His underlying message was likely: Don't waste time, let's get straight to the point and discuss business!


Immediately, Chen Yaoguang responded coldly, "No need to worry."


Following that, her eyes quickly scanned the lounge, then she asked, "Where's the meeting room? Let's talk there!"


"Follow me."


Watching Chen Yaoguang's straightforward manner, Lu Ting didn't waste any time. Leading her towards the meeting room, he said, "I've been waiting for you. Hopefully, the mercenary mission you bring won't disappoint us!"




In an instant, Chen Yaoguang caught the keyword in Lu Ting's words.


If it were just him, he wouldn't use the word "us". Clearly, there were more than just him in this estate base!


Realizing this, Chen Yaoguang looked at Lu Ting ahead of her with a renewed sense of scrutiny.


It seemed that the reality was quite different from what she had anticipated. This Lu Ting and his armed group under his name weren't as destitute as the information on the mercenary dark web suggested!


And as Chen Yaoguang followed Lu Ting down a corridor and stood at the door of a meeting room, her conviction in her thoughts only grew stronger.


Because at this moment, before her lay a meeting room where seven robust men with abundant combat experience sat neatly along both sides of a long table.


As a member of the Interpol, Chen Yaoguang wouldn't overlook such details.


(End of the Chapter)