Wang Fujun’s Doubts

Translator: Cinder Translations



After considering the pros and cons, Chen Yaoguang responded within a second or two. She looked at Lu Ting, nodded, and said, "No problem."


"On behalf of the Chinese Interpol, I agree to your request, Mr. Lu."


Seeing Chen Yaoguang agree, Lu Ting didn't say anything more. Although he could forge an identity himself, if someone from the China's government was willing to help, the forged identity would be much more flawless.


At this moment, all members of Task Force 141 were looking at Lu Ting with thoughtful expressions, as if they had guessed his plan.


"However," Chen Yaoguang's tone suddenly changed after agreeing to Lu Ting's request. She reminded him, "Even as the Chinese International Police, we can only arrange a temporary identity for you as a chinese citizen. It's impossible to grant you a fully legal chinese citizenship."


Although Lu Ting was indeed from the China, he was also a mercenary involved in many illegal activities. The chinese could not possibly accept him as a legitimate citizen.


If it weren't for the importance of this mission, Chen Yaoguang would never have agreed to even a temporary identity.


Unexpectedly, upon hearing Chen Yaoguang's words, Lu Ting's previously expressionless face showed a slightly disdainful smile. He responded, "Officer Chen, don't get me wrong. Forging a Chinese citizen's identity is just to prepare for this mission."


"I have no interest in becoming a legitimate chinese citizen!"


Why would he give up his free, unrestrained life as a mercenary to become a legitimate citizen of China and be restricted? What a joke. Only if Lu Ting lost his mind would he choose to become a legal citizen of China!


His ambition was to expand and strengthen his Immortal Armament Group to new heights!


In fact, when he becomes powerful in the future, it wouldn't be difficult for him to obtain a Chinese citizenship as one of his many identities.


The members of Task Force 141, sitting nearby, laughed and showed expressions of agreement after hearing Lu Ting's words.


Chen Yaoguang slightly frowned at Lu Ting's disdainful remarks about chinese citizenship but didn't say anything. After all, how one chooses to live in this world is up to each individual, and no one else has the right to dictate their choices.


More interested in Lu Ting's plan, Chen Yaoguang asked, "So, what is your plan?"


As her words fell, the members of Task Force 141 also looked at Lu Ting, clearly curious about his plan.


However, this time, Lu Ting didn't immediately reveal his plan. He just looked at Chen Yaoguang and said, "Oh, that doesn't concern you."


Even if he were to discuss the rescue operation plan, it should be with the employer, not with Chen Yaoguang, who was just the intermediary.


Chen Yaoguang: "..."


Chen Yaoguang was momentarily speechless, but since Lu Ting was unwilling to elaborate, she didn't persist.


She promptly changed the subject, "Before we finalize the employment contract, the employer wishes to meet you and your team. Is that possible?"


"Of course, they're my bread and butter. Not only can we meet, but we can also have a meal together."


Lu Ting agreed without hesitation to Chen Yaoguang's request. After all, the employer was spending over 140 million U.S. dollars to hire him. It was reasonable for them to want to meet and verify the arrangement.


Moreover, discussing the employment task and the deposit should be done directly with the employer. Chen Yaoguang was likely involved only because she was already in the area and could facilitate the meeting.


The members of Task Force 141 had no objections. Since their commander had agreed, they had no reason to disagree.


Seeing Lu Ting's agreement, Chen Yaoguang wasted no time and began setting up the video conference on her computer.


Soon enough, Lu Ting and the members of Task Force 141 saw a group of Chinese international police officers on the video screen.


At the front left sat a man in a white police uniform, around fifty years old, who was Chief Hong of the Chinese International Police Headquarters.


Beside him sat a slightly older man in a suit, Wang Fujun, the one funding Lu Ting's mission.


At this moment, Chen Yaoguang subtly nodded to Chief Hong in the video.


She then introduced, "Mr. Wang, this is Mr. Lu, who will be heading to Northern Myanmar to rescue your son, along with his team."


Upon hearing this, Wang Fujun's gaze focused on Lu Ting, who, despite being the youngest among the group, exuded a commanding presence.


To be honest, before this meeting, Wang Fujun had considered replacing Lu Ting. When he learned from Chief Hong that Lu Ting was suitable for the mission, he had someone investigate Lu Ting's background on the mercenary network.


What he discovered shocked him! Lu Ting's armed group was on the verge of collapse, and he was its only member.


Furthermore, Lu Ting had only undertaken two or three missions, all basic bodyguard tasks. Any random mercenary on the network had a more impressive resume.


To Wang Fujun, Lu Ting seemed like an inexperienced small-timer. He doubted whether he should entrust ten billion in commission and his son's life to such a mercenary.


Wang Fujun immediately approached Chief Hong, expressing his desire to replace Lu Ting with another mercenary. Given the stakes of his son's life, he couldn't take any chances.


(End of the Chapter)