Lu Ting’s Plan

Translator: Cinder Translations



"Furthermore, even if we are extremely lucky and manage to penetrate the entire park, eliminating all personnel, but!"


"All these scenarios are just a series of assumptions made by ourselves based on our subjective intentions!"


"And the reality is, none of us can guarantee that Wang Tianyu will definitely be held in the area near the river in this park."


"What if the background noise in the video was meant to mislead us?"


"What if Wang Tianyu isn't even in this park? Wouldn't we be walking into a trap?"


"Even if we manage to escape, what about our rescue target? This deal would probably fall through!"


In Lu Ting's view, Bai Wancheng's survival in northern Myanmar and the development of his industry to its current scale are enough to show that he is not a simple-minded person.


Cunning and deceit are almost synonymous with the warlord heads in northern Myanmar. Since Bai Wancheng dared to kidnap Wang Tianyu, a citizen of China, he must have anticipated that there would be relevant rescue operations from the Chinese International Criminal Police.


And warlord heads like him probably have countless hiding places. Who knows if Bai Wancheng really imprisoned someone here?


If they want to rescue Wang Tianyu, they must consider all possibilities. After all, any slight mistake would lead to extremely tricky situations later on!


Finally, looking at the silent members of the Taskforce 141, Lu Ting concluded, "So, there are two main points I want to make. First, we shouldn't underestimate Bai Wancheng. It's highly likely that everything he's revealed is just what he wants us to see. We must not be misled by this information and make decisions lightly. Remember, we must not underestimate the enemy!"


"Secondly, the action plans you've proposed are not suitable for this mission. Firstly, we don't know Wang Tianyu's exact location, and we can't even be sure if he's in this park. And once we act recklessly and alert them, the target person will immediately be moved. Moreover, provoking this group might lead to dire consequences!"


Since Bai Wancheng dared to act against citizens of Chinese, it shows that he isn't afraid of the Chinese police. Based on what Lu Ting knows, countless citizens are tricked from Chinese to northern Myanmar every year!


And after being tricked to northern Myanmar, those who obediently continue to deceive for them can still manage to get by, while those who don't listen will suffer indiscriminate beatings, confinement in water dungeons, electric shocks, and so on.


They don't care which country you're from; if you don't listen, they'll keep beating you until you do. And those who consistently resist will be killed after their value is exhausted!


Over the years, countless people have lost their lives in northern Myanmar, including many citizens of Chinese. Chinese police have taken action against fraud in northern Myanmar over the years, but the results have been minimal.


These criminals were like slippery eels; they couldn't be caught!


So, they're not worried about the consequences of killing a Chinese citizen; whether it brings imprisonment or death.


If Bai Wancheng realizes someone is trying to rescue Wang Tianyu, he'll realize there's nothing more to gain from him, and the tearing up of the agreement that Lu Ting mentioned is entirely possible!


Moreover, it might even be the kind of tearing up that involves harvesting his organs!


Once Wang Tianyu is torn up, it means Lu Ting's hiring mission has failed. Not only will he not receive a single penny of the over 140 million in rewards, but he also won't receive any system rewards for taking on the mission, and his reputation will be tarnished.


Moreover, this is naturally the last thing Lu Ting wants to happen!


After Lu Ting said this, all members of the Taskforce 141 fell silent, choosing not to speak further.


After all, what Lu Ting had just said was all very reasonable concerns!


Indeed, they had been biased by the content of the video, hearing the sound of flowing water in the background noise, and subconsciously assuming that Wang Tianyu must be held in the section of the park near the river.


Just as Lu Ting pointed out, their thoughts had been misled by the video content!


Even Price's team hadn't noticed this earlier!


They had oversimplified this hiring task, failing to fully consider the numerous possibilities that could arise.


For a moment, every member of the Taskforce 141 looked into Lu Ting's eyes with subtly changed expressions, a look of newfound respect and conviction filling their eyes.


When they were summoned by the system to manifest into this world, they were indeed one hundred percent loyal to Lu Ting. But now, compared to their previous loyalty, every member of the Taskforce 141 now harbored a few more genuine admiring sentiments towards Lu Ting!


On the other side, Chen Yaoguang's gaze towards Lu Ting was also completely different from before. She hadn't expected that at such a young age, Lu Ting could think so comprehensively.


Sure enough, to be able to lead such a group of exceptional mercenaries, Lu Ting's abilities in all aspects were particularly outstanding!


Suddenly, in Chen Yaoguang's eyes, there appeared a faint admiration that had never been there before. But this subtle change in her gaze was something she herself didn't even notice!


Immediately after, Chen Yaoguang looked at Lu Ting and asked, "Mr. Lu, do you have any other better ideas for this mission?"


She was curious if Lu Ting, who had analyzed and overturned their operational plans so thoroughly, had considered other, more secure approaches.


As soon as these words were spoken, the Taskforce 141 members sitting around the conference table all turned their curious gazes towards Lu Ting.


And Lu Ting didn't keep them waiting. After a brief pause for thought, he turned to Chen Yaoguang standing before him and said, "Yes, but I need the cooperation of your Interpol to forge a temporary identity for me that can't be flawlessly investigated."


"Firstly, this identity must be that of a legitimate citizen of China. Secondly, this identity must be that of a super-rich second generation within your Chinese."


Having said this, Lu Ting paused for a moment, glanced at Chen Yaoguang's facial expression, and continued, "Of course, if you find this too troublesome, I can find a way to handle it myself."


Upon hearing Lu Ting's words, Chen Yaoguang immediately began to consider. Although she didn't know why he wanted to forge the identity of a super-rich second generation citizen of China, if it was only related to this rescue operation, this request wasn't unreasonable.


(End of the Chapter)