Lu Ting’s Opposition to Plan

The combat capabilities of these northern Myanmar region guards were not negligible. At least, they held an absolute advantage against unarmed civilians.


But when faced with enemies like the Taskforce 141, they had no advantages whatsoever.


So, Nikolai's current idea was that if they ended up in a fierce firefight during the subsequent hostage rescue operation, as long as they could seize the heavy firepower weapons the enemy relied on for their assaults, these so-called "guards" would be nothing!


"This is great!"


Soap, who always enjoyed a good spectacle, enthusiastically slammed the table and expressed his support, "I love this robber-style approach, it really suits my taste! Hahaha!"


With his words falling, the faces of the Taskforce 141 members around the table, except for the Ghost with the black and white skull mask, all showed an undeniable hint of a smile.


After listening to Lu Ting's subordinates discuss their ideas, Chen Yaoguang couldn't help but stare at them, seeming somewhat stunned. She seemed surprised by the Taskforce 141's operational style!


Because entering the northern Myanmar region and rescuing people from Bai Wancheng's hands was a task that the Chinese International Criminal Police took very seriously and cautiously, but Lu Ting and his subordinates had already discussed it so casually in such a short time!


Moreover, this bandit-style approach to operations was something Chen Yaoguang had never encountered before, and it truly broadened her horizons!


However, after carefully listening to everything from start to finish, she felt that the mercenaries' proposed rescue operation seemed to have no major flaws.


During this operation, they had considered both scenarios—whether or not they would be detected by the guards.


Shortly after, Chen Yaoguang looked at Lu Ting and asked, "Mr. Lu, do you share the same thoughts regarding their proposed rescue operation?"


As her words fell, the members of the Taskforce 141 sitting around the conference table also quieted down, turning their gaze in unison towards their commander, Lu Ting.


No matter what opinions they had expressed or what operational methods they had suggested, it was all just proposals for this mission. The final decision still rested with Lu Ting.


After all, Lu Ting was now their commander, and the Taskforce 141 obeyed him completely!


At this moment, after hearing Chen Yaoguang's words, Lu Ting did not immediately respond. He had listened carefully to the plans discussed by the Taskforce 141 And kept them in mind.


'They are still not used to being mercenaries, still thinking like soldiers. With limited intel, they are not able to come up with a good plan'


After a few seconds of contemplation, Lu Ting, who had been silent all this while, finally stood up with a sigh. He looked at all the members of the Taskforce 141 And said, "No, this mission cannot proceed this way!"


Lu Ting's face was exceptionally serious at this moment, and his tone when he spoke these words was equally resolute.


Whether it was the members of the Taskforce 141 sitting beside him or Chen Yaoguang, upon hearing Lu Ting's words, they couldn't help but pause for a moment.


Especially the members of the Taskforce 141, it was obvious they hadn't expected Lu Ting to directly and completely reject their unanimously considered feasible plan.


However, as Lu Ting's subordinates, they certainly wouldn't question their leader's decision in front of Chen Yaoguang, an outsider.


Moreover, since Lu Ting spoke in this manner, he must have his own insights and opinions. Therefore, after exchanging glances, the members of the Taskforce 141 all looked towards Lu Ting, waiting for him to provide an explanation.


Lu Ting didn't make them wait long. Soon, he began a series of personal insights and analyses regarding their proposal.


He held up the map photo that Captain Price had circled with a pen and said, "In the background noise of that video just now, there was indeed the sound of flowing water. However, this area near the river in the park is also quite large, with numerous buildings of various sizes."


"Suppose Wang Tianyu is indeed held somewhere in this park. But without knowing his exact location, finding him would still require a considerable amount of time."


Pausing briefly here, Lu Ting continued with his considerations.


"Have you all considered what would happen if we alert them before finding the target person? How would we handle it if they swarm us with an aggressive response?"


"I don't deny that each of you is very capable, and even if we face a frenzied assault from those guards, we can handle it well. But what about the target person?"


Since Bai Wancheng was able to set up a trap in the Thailand to deceive Wang Tianyu and bring him to a place like northern Myanmar, it shows he's already well-prepared.


Even if he is indeed held in one of these buildings, if they accidentally alert him during the operation, wouldn't Bai Wancheng devise a counter-strategy?


Could it be that Bai Wancheng would just allow Lu Ting and the members of the Taskforce 141 to smoothly rescue Wang Tianyu from right under his nose and leave his technology park?


Clearly, Bai Wancheng isn't that foolish!


If they are discovered by Bai Wancheng before finding Wang Tianyu, his first action would surely be to relocate the target person.


Then he would mobilize a large force and firepower to launch an extremely fierce assault on Lu Ting and the members of the Taskforce 141 who had been discovered!


Upon hearing Lu Ting's words, both the members of the Taskforce 141 And Chen Yaoguang beside them couldn't help but pause for a moment.


Yes, all the action plans they had just discussed were based on the premise that they knew the exact location where Wang Tianyu, the target person, was being held, or that they had already rescued him.


"Furthermore, even if, as Yuri and the others discussed just now, Wang Tianyu is indeed held somewhere in this park, and we are fortunate enough to find him without being detected..."


Lu Ting's expression became even more solemn as he continued, looking at them and saying, "But wherever Wang Tianyu is being held, there will certainly be many guards. So, if we want to rescue him, we will inevitably have to engage in combat with these guards."


"And once intense fighting breaks out, being discovered is a definite outcome. By then, even if we forcibly rescue Wang Tianyu, it will be very difficult for all of us to escape!"


(End of the Chapter)