Professional! That's What Professional Means!

However, this silence didn't last long.


After contemplating the two map photos in his hand for a moment, Captain Price suddenly looked up at Chen Yaoguang and asked, "Ms. Chen, if I recall correctly, you mentioned earlier that on the first day Wang Tianyu was kidnapped, the fraudsters sent a video to his father?"


Upon hearing Price's question, Chen Yaoguang, not sure of its significance, simply nodded and replied, "Yes, but the video was very short, only about seven to eight seconds long."


"Could you please open it and show it to us?"


"Of course!"


Chen Yaoguang didn't have many intelligence clues about this mission, and this video was just one of them.


Immediately, she turned her computer to face herself and quickly found the video sent by the fraudsters, then opened it.


At the moment when Captain Price made this request to Chen Yaoguang, the other members of the Taskforce 141 in the conference room were extremely taciturn, quieting down instinctively.


Years of close combat cooperation had made them very clear about Captain Price's intentions. He probably had some thoughts about that video.


Soon, Chen Yaoguang brought up the video.


At this point, Lu Ting, who had been quiet and hadn't spoken, also looked at the video content on the computer screen.


On the screen, the video environment was very dark. Besides a narrow window on the wall to the right, there were no other sources of light.


Their rescue target, Wang Tianyu, was tied up and strapped to an electric chair in the center of the room.


From the video, it was evident that he had already been beaten, covered in bloodstains and dirt.


The seven-second video quickly played through.


To be honest, based on the video content alone, Chen Yaoguang couldn't discern anything useful. She had watched this short seven-second video over a dozen times but had not found anything significant.


However, at this moment, Captain Price suddenly reached out and pulled the laptop in front of him. Simultaneously, he turned the volume of the video to the maximum, leaned in to listen closely, and played the video again.


After the video segment finished playing again, Captain Price lifted his head and once again began to examine the map photos in his hand, saying, "There's the sound of flowing water in the background of the video."


In a closed environment like a room, amidst the chaotic background noise, faint sounds of flowing water could be heard. This indicated that the location where Wang Tianyu was being held captive must be closer to the side of the river.


Seemingly to confirm Captain Price's discovery, Roach, sitting directly across from Captain Price, also reached out and pulled the laptop over. He played the video again.


As expected, after the video finished playing again, he lifted his head with an excited expression, looked at his teammates and Lu Ting, and said, "There is indeed the sound of flowing water in the background of this video, just as Captain Price said."


Although the background noise in this video was very chaotic, and the sound of flowing water was not prominent, every member of the Taskforce 141 had exceptionally sharp hearing, allowing them to discern it carefully.


However, this silence didn't last long.


After contemplating the two map photos in his hand for a moment, Captain Price suddenly circled an area on one of the map photos with his pen and gestured to Lu Ting beside him, "Commander, I believe there's a high possibility that Wang Tianyu is being held in this area."


The area Captain Price circled with his pen was the part of the technology park closest to the river.


In this technology park that resembled a factory district, there were numerous building structures. Searching each building one by one would consume significant time and manpower costs!


But now, with this new discovery, the areas closer to the central region of the technology park were immediately ruled out of suspicion.


Once they silently infiltrated into Bai Wancheng's technology park, they would save a lot of trouble in locating the hostage.


Seeing how quickly Lu Ting's subordinates found the approximate location where Wang Tianyu was being held based on the chaotic background noise in the kidnapping video, Chen Yaoguang couldn't help but be amazed.


The key question was, how did they discern the sound of flowing water in the background of the video???


Chen Yaoguang was truly puzzled. After all, she had scrutinized the video repeatedly but hadn't noticed anything.


"Now that we've found his approximate location, things are going to be easier!"


At this moment, Soap, sitting at the end of the conference table, looked relaxed and suggested, "As Captain Price said, we could find the right opportunity to disguise ourselves and infiltrate this area of the park. We can rescue the kid before the guards notice us!"


However, contrary to expectations, Yuri, who disagreed, voiced his thoughts, "It's unrealistic not to be noticed. There must be guards where the hostage is being held. So, I think we should prepare to fight them."




Captain Price, who was quietly listening beside them, agreed with Yuri's point, saying, "Yuri's right. Although Bai Wancheng's guards may not be highly skilled, they won't hesitate to use heavy weapons against us once they discover us!"


According to the partial intelligence provided by Chen Yaoguang earlier, Bai Wancheng, the warlord in the northern Myanmar region who kidnapped Wang Tianyu, had a personal guard force numbering in the thousands, along with nearly ten thousand private armed personnel.


Among them, the heavy firepower weapons such as attack helicopters and tanks he controlled were the only threat Captain Price considered they had to face.


It's worth noting that every member of the Taskforce 141 was from the most elite special forces, each with the highest combat capability!


If we only consider the individual combat capabilities, with sufficient ammunition and terrain advantage, the Taskforce 141 could probably take down a thousand of these guards!


The members of the Taskforce 141 agreed with Captain Price's concerns.


However, at this moment, Nikolai half-jokingly remarked, "That's indeed a problem. If we're going for silent infiltration and can't carry heavy firepower, we might not be able to do much."


"But if we manage to snatch weapons from them, won't we have heavy weapons ourselves?!"


(End of the Chapter)