Technology Parks? 141’s Battle Plan


However, Lu Ting believed that the manpower and firepower inside these parks shouldn't be underestimated.


After all, Bai Wancheng's private armed forces were formidable, and these parks were crucial to his profits. Inside them, countless individuals were deceived into becoming scam artists for his online telecommunications fraud operations.


Whether these scam artists were there voluntarily or forcibly, Bai Wancheng would undoubtedly keep a close watch on them. This was beyond doubt.


"You folks at the Interpol sure know how to keep things simple."


At this point, Yuri, sitting at the end of the conference table, couldn't help but quip.


Immediately after, Sandman, seated opposite Lu Ting, looked at Chen Yaoguang and asked, "Topographical maps, do you have maps of the terrain within that park area?"


"We do."


Upon hearing Sandman's question, Chen Yaoguang reached into her nearby backpack and pulled out two larger-than-A4-sized images. These two images were satellite images of Bai Wancheng's technology park area and a more detailed topographic map.


Chen Yaoguang then placed these two maps in front of Lu Ting and the Taskforce 141.


Lu Ting and Captain Price were the first to pick up the maps. They saw that Bai Wancheng's technology park area was quite large, likely covering the area equivalent to several soccer fields.


This technology park was situated within dense forests on three sides and faced water on one side. Aside from a winding river on the right and the only road leading outwards, there were no other routes connecting it to the outside world!


Moreover, this technology park wasn't what people might imagine, with skyscrapers and advanced technology everywhere.


Here, Lu Ting couldn't see any trace of 'technology' at all. Even if it wasn't called a technology park, seeing this satellite image, he might have thought it was some kind of outdated industrial area!


Just as Chen Yaoguang had described earlier, this technology park wasn't concentrated in one place but scattered across different areas.


Inside, apart from sheds with blue roofs and white walls, there were numerous buildings shaped like the Chinese character '回' (hui), all surrounded by high electric fences on the perimeter walls.


Quickly, these two images were passed around and examined by Lu Ting and all members of the Taskforce 141.


Afterwards, Lu Ting turned to Captain Price beside him and asked, "Price, what do you think?"


Captain Price, sitting next to Lu Ting, pondered for a moment before replying, "It's challenging, but not insurmountable."


From his tone, it seemed he was quite relaxed about it.


Clearly, while this was a highly challenging hiring task in the eyes of the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau, it didn't seem like a mission that warranted deep consideration from the Taskforce 141, according to the tactical expert Captain Price!


"Well, we've done missions that are more dangerous and difficult."


At this point, Soap, sitting in the same row as Captain Price, looked at the satellite overview of the so-called technology park in his hand and remarked, "As of now, I'd say it's at most a tactical infiltration and hostage rescue mission!"


Immediately, Yuri, sitting opposite Soap, surprisingly agreed with Soap's words. He reached up to touch his bald head, grinned, and said, "Indeed, but I find the more difficult and dangerous the task, the more interesting it is to execute!"


"I agree!"


Sandman followed up by raising his hand, expressing, "I hope the firepower of the private troops in this technology park area is strong. It's been too long since I held a gun in combat, just talking about it makes my hands itch!"


"Besides, this is our first battle following the commander. We need to perform well to get a raise!"


From Sandman's words, it was clear he was already somewhat excited and looking forward to it.


With these words spoken, except for the Ghost with the mask, Yuri, Soap, and Roach all showed expressions of strong approval.




"I guess these folks might disappoint you, Sandman!"


At this moment, Nikolai, holding his tablet and continuously flipping through something, couldn't help but laugh upon hearing Sandman's words.


He turned his tablet screen around to show Sandman while saying, "I've investigated this. The so-called private troops under Bai Wancheng sound intimidating, numbering in the thousands?"


"But based on the information I've gathered, their military capabilities are quite poor. So, don't compare them to the special forces we've dealt with before. They may be called private troops, but their combat strength is at most like a group of local militia."


Upon hearing this, Sandman's smile faded considerably, evidently feeling somewhat disappointed. Nevertheless, he still spoke up, "Well, none of that matters now. The most important thing is to rescue the hostages and complete this hiring task!"


Immediately after, Captain Price pondered for a few seconds before speaking up and analyzing with everyone, "Considering the outnumbered situation, I believe our primary approach in this operation naturally should be focused on infiltration and covert rescue."


"But now, the most crucial point is to determine exactly where they've kept the hostage within the park."


As his words fell, all the members of the Taskforce 141 sitting around the conference table, except for the Ghost with the black-and-white skull mask, displayed expressions that couldn't be denied.


Even Chen Yaoguang at this moment showed a sign of agreement.


However, as easy as it was to say this, it was incredibly difficult to execute!


The entire so-called 'technology park' of Bai Wancheng, aside from its terrifying size, was divided into various small zones that couldn't be completely surveyed.


With no intelligence at all, finding the exact location where Wang Tianyu was being held captive was an immensely challenging task!


The information they currently possessed could be likened to groping in the dark. Even Captain Price, an experienced master of operations, couldn't formulate an optimal rescue plan under such circumstances.


If they could pinpoint where Wang Tianyu was held, not to mention the precise location, even with a rough area range, Captain Price could use this topographic map to devise a rescue attack route and a successful withdrawal plan after the operation.


For a moment, the entire conference room fell into silence, everyone seemingly pondering how exactly to proceed with this mission.


(End of the Chapter)