Warlord in Myanmar, Bai Wancheng!


As soon as the words fell,


Lu Ting looked at Chen Yaoguang and took the initiative to ask, "Firstly, do you know who kidnapped him?"


Upon hearing this, Chen Yaoguang nodded. Her hand slid across the computer screen, and suddenly, the screen changed to a densely packed identity background data map, displayed in front of Lu Ting and the members of the Taskforce 141.


Seemingly aware that they might not want to look closely, Chen Yaoguang, while pulling up this identity background data map, also spoke to them, "According to our preliminary investigation at the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau, the person who kidnapped Wang Tianyu is the head of the largest warlord faction in northern Myanmar, the Bai family, Bai Wancheng."


"Wang Tianyu was in one of Bai Wancheng's assets when he entered an underground casino in Thailand."


In northern Myanmar, there are four major families who wield absolute authority. They disdain the central government and the law, essentially turning northern Myanmar into their own small kingdom. At the same time, they are the main culprits causing chaos in northern Myanmar!


These four major families are Bai, two Liu families, and Wei. Among them, Bai Wancheng mentioned by Chen Yaoguang just now is the head of the Bai family among these four major families.


The Bai family is the leader among the four major families, holding an unparalleled position. They not only control the economic lifelines of northern Myanmar but also have family members in key positions within the government and military. This is why they can act so wantonly in northern Myanmar.


At this moment, Captain Price sitting next to Lu Ting raised his hand to signal and asked Chen Yaoguang, "Please focus on introducing this Bai Wancheng and his specific strength in the northern Myanmar region."


Since they were about to enter northern Myanmar to rescue someone, knowing as much as possible about the enemy's background information would be advantageous for their subsequent actions.


Upon hearing Captain Price's polite inquiry, Chen Yaoguang immediately began to introduce to them, "Bai Wancheng himself is a former soldier. In northern Myanmar, he can be said to be influential in both legal and illegal activities. He not only commands nearly a thousand private armed forces but also has personal guards numbering in the hundreds. Moreover, he possesses weapons like attack helicopters and tanks, though the exact quantities are unclear."


Upon hearing Chen Yaoguang's words, the expressions on Lu Ting and the faces of all the members of the Taskforce 141 suddenly became slightly solemn for a moment.


As Chen Yaoguang just described, the private armed forces under Bai Wancheng's command were already comparable to those of some weaker military forces in the world! If their intelligence network was thorough and their tactical plans were well arranged, perhaps they could still rescue the person without engaging in direct confrontation upon entering northern Myanmar. However, if any unforeseen circumstances were to occur...


Then Lu Ting and the Taskforce 141 might all find themselves in a very dangerous situation.


It's true that a slight disturbance could lead to a big commotion. If they were to engage in gunfire with any of Bai Wancheng's guards during their operation, reinforcements from other areas would rush over at the fastest speed!


Thinking of this, Lu Ting's expression, which had already become somewhat serious, immediately turned to Chen Yaoguang and asked, "After this kid was captured, do you at the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau know where he is being held?"


If we could know exactly where the hostage is, then this operation wouldn't be too difficult.


At these words, Chen Yaoguang, standing in front of everyone, hesitated for a moment. A complex expression appeared on her beautiful face.


Seeing her reaction, Lu Ting, who was always good at reading between the lines, and the members of the Taskforce 141 immediately understood that perhaps the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau didn't even know where Wang Tianyu had been taken!


Then, Chen Yaoguang began to explain to them, "Bai Wancheng himself controls multiple 'technology parks' in northern Myanmar, and each park is heavily guarded. Even we cannot pinpoint which park he has specifically placed Wang Tianyu in within just two or three days."


Since Wang Fujun reported the incident, for several days, the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau had been urging the northern Myanmar authorities to assist in investigating where Wang Tianyu was specifically held. However, after so many days, there had been no news at all.


Upon hearing Chen Yaoguang's words, Lu Ting immediately looked up and exchanged glances with Captain Price and others beside him. Then, he persisted in asking, "Multiple technology parks? How many exactly? What kind of troops and firepower are stationed in each park?"


Chen Yaoguang: "."


As her words fell, the entire conference room fell silent.


Lu Ting and the members of the Taskforce 141 stared intently at Chen Yaoguang.


In contrast, at this moment, Chen Yaoguang remained silent. In fact, it wasn't that she didn't want to share this information with them; rather, the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau really knew nothing about it!


For a moment, Chen Yaoguang didn't know how to speak.


Seeing her reaction, Lu Ting immediately understood the situation. He couldn't help but ask, "So, apart from knowing that this kid was kidnapped and who kidnapped him, the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau doesn't know anything else?"


At this point, Chen Yaoguang was also somewhat troubled. She rubbed her forehead and said, "The situation in northern Myanmar is severe. The local authorities are unwilling to cooperate with our operations, and our personnel cannot rashly investigate. As for how many 'technology parks' Bai Wancheng has in the Guogan area, we really don't know. We only know a rough area range."


These warlord leaders in northern Myanmar were initially all drug lords. Later, due to the heavy crackdown by the central government, they slowly transformed into developing the gambling industry. However, even after developing the gambling industry, they continued to face crackdowns.


Helpless, they simply transformed their offline gambling industry into an online one. At the same time, various forms of telecommunications fraud were rampant.


These so-called 'technology parks' they spoke of were actually the main bases for online gambling and telecommunications fraud activities in secret.


Currently, the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau only knew the approximate geographical range of these technology parks that Bai Wancheng was willing to show openly. However, no one knew whether he secretly had other technology parks!


Now Lu Ting finally understood why the commission for this hiring task amounted to such a high sum as ten billion Chinese coins.


Based on the current situation, they had too little information in their hands. Not only was the location where Wang Tianyu was being held unclear, but they also had no idea how many guards were inside the park and what level of firepower they possessed.


They would have to wait until Lu Ting and the 141 Task Force arrived within the extensive range of Bai Wancheng's technology parks to infiltrate and gather intelligence covertly!


(End of the Chapter)