Cause and Process of the Incident

It is widely known that the power of those criminal groups in northern Myanmar is by no means confined to just that small region. Their reach often extends far across the entire Southeast Asian region wherever there exists a complete criminal industry chain.


The son of real estate tycoon Wang Fujun, Wang Tianyu, was noticed by insiders in an underground casino in Thailand when he was squandering money lavishly. Subsequently, these insiders set a trap, deceiving Wang Tianyu of all the money he carried, in a fraudulent manner.


When he couldn't produce any more money and didn't dare to ask his father for it, Wang Tianyu was kidnapped by people from the underground casino in Thailand and promptly sent overnight to the ruthless place of northern Myanmar.


The next day, Wang Fujun received a ransom message from the fraudsters, along with a short video showing his son bound and strapped to an electric shock chair.


Seeing this scene, Wang Fujun felt as if his heart had been pierced by a knife. This was his only son, his sole heir. He panicked and immediately transferred the initial ransom of five million according to the account provided by the fraudster kidnappers.


Perhaps because Wang Fujun paid the initial ransom too easily, the kidnappers realized that he might be wealthy. Therefore, after receiving the first ransom payment, instead of releasing Wang Tianyu, they continued to demand more money from Wang Fujun!


Within just two days, the ransom demanded by the kidnappers escalated from millions to tens of millions!


The total amount of ransom sent by Wang Fujun accumulated to well over a hundred million!


Yet even so, the kidnappers in northern Myanmar persisted in refusing to release Wang Tianyu!


They seemed determined not to stop until they had emptied Wang Fujun's coffers.


During the initial ransom demand, the kidnappers had warned Wang Fujun that if he dared to report to the police lightly, they would ensure Wang Tianyu's life would become unbearable.


Thus, out of concern for his son's safety, Wang Fujun refrained from reporting to the authorities.


It wasn't until a day ago when the kidnappers once again demanded a ransom as high as one billion that Wang Fujun realized something was amiss. Instead of obediently sending the money, he tried various channels to find a solution. Unexpectedly, the next day, he received an unknown package.


Upon opening it, lying quietly inside the package was his son Wang Tianyu's little finger!


Wang Fujun was almost overwhelmed on the spot. After he recovered from the shock, he immediately chose to inform his friends in the police. Clearly, he had realized that these kidnappers were not ordinary. If he continued to pay ransom, it would only be an endless abyss!


Due to the large amount involved in this case, its severe nature, and its involvement in transnational crime, Wang Fujun, after notifying the police, quickly had the case transferred to the Chinese International Criminal Police Bureau.


Because Wang Fujun himself was highly prominent within China, being one of its most outstanding entrepreneurs and having made significant social contributions over the years, the Chinese Interpol treated this matter with exceptional seriousness.


They promptly filed a case and quickly established contact with the local authorities in northern Myanmar, initiating negotiations. They hoped the northern Myanmar authorities would cooperate and help apprehend the criminals involved.


However, as days passed, the authorities in northern Myanmar continued to delay giving any response, despite the relentless pressure applied by the Interpol.


Actually, the Chinese International Criminal Police had long anticipated such a situation. In places like northern Myanmar, the law is often just a piece of paper, and many local authorities there have already colluded with those criminal groups, acting in cahoots!


This is almost internationally recognized.


With no hope from the northern Myanmar police side, back in the country, Wang Fujun, fearing for his son's safety, continued to seek help from the Chinese Interpol, hoping they could provide a solution.


Due to this, the pressure on the Interpol intensified!


As the head of the Chinese International Criminal Police, Director Hong felt overwhelmed. They had just finished handling a major international operation case, and now they were faced with such a thorny issue.


Of course, they wanted to rescue kidnapped Wang Tianyu as soon as possible. However, if they were to enter the northern Myanmar region directly under the banner of international police, they would definitely find nothing.


After all, those fraudster kidnappers from criminal groups are not fools; quite the opposite, they are cunning individuals!


If they were to find out that the Chinese Interpol were investigating, they would definitely hide Wang Tianyu, the "cash cow," very well. There would be no trace left behind!


At that time, not only would they fail to rescue Wang Fujun's son, but the police officers investigating the case in northern Myanmar might also find themselves in deep trouble. In serious cases, they might even pay with their lives!


However, just as Director Hong was feeling exasperated, someone below, perhaps inspired by the previous case, suggested to him and Wang Fujun to go to the dark web of mercenaries and hire mercenaries to rescue him!


Compared to the police officers of the Chinese International Criminal Police, these mercenaries who constantly roam the battlefield not only have stronger combat abilities but also are less likely to attract the attention of criminal elements. Clearly, they are more suitable for entering northern Myanmar to rescue someone!


This proposal immediately gained Director Hong's approval. Wang Fujun had no objections either. As long as he could safely rescue his son, what difference did it make to pay a little more commission?


So, the question arose: even if they were to go to the dark web of mercenaries to seek help, whom should they find?


You see, mercenaries aren't just anyone. In northern Myanmar, most of them are from Asia, with very few faces from other continents appearing.


If possible, it would be best to find mercenaries of the same Asian origin to carry out this mission. Therefore, Director Hong immediately thought of contacting Lu Ting, whom they had just collaborated with!


After making a preliminary decision, Director Hong immediately contacted Chen Yaoguang, who was still in Ivya, to ask her to contact Lu Ting again and discuss this hiring task.


In the conference room of Lu Ting's private estate base, Chen Yaoguang looked at Lu Ting and the rest of the Taskforce 141 sitting in front of her and said, "Now, if you have any questions, you can ask me."


(End of the Chapter)