Lu Ting’s Plan – It’s Too Bold!

Translator: Cinder Translations



Wang Fujun fell silent after hearing Lu Ting's words. Although he could afford the ten million U.S. dollars, giving it out without knowing Lu Ting's plan seemed too rash.


"Mr. Lu."


At this moment, Chief Hong, who had been sitting beside Wang Fujun, spoke up. His sharp, clear eyes locked onto Lu Ting as he said, "Ten million U.S. dollars is not a small amount. Can you tell us how you plan to use this money and what your plan is?"


This rescue operation was not solely the responsibility of Lu Ting's mercenary company; the Dragon Kingdom International Police Headquarters was also involved. However, the subsequent rescue mission in northern Myanmar was fully entrusted to Lu Ting and his team, while the Dragon Kingdom International Police provided support from the rear.


Chief Hong continued, "If there are areas where we, the Dragon Kingdom International Police, can assist, we will certainly provide help."


At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Lu Ting. They were all intensely curious about what kind of plan he had for rescuing the hostages.


Without further ado, Lu Ting pondered for two seconds before picking up the map photos on the table. "They like rich people, right? Then I'll make myself a rich man and deliver myself to them!"


Upon hearing this, everyone in the meeting room, including Chen Yaoguang, the 141 Task Force members, and the Dragon Kingdom International Police officers in the video, immediately understood Lu Ting's plan.


Lu Ting's plan was to enter the tiger's den!


They had no information about where Wang Tianyu was being held. In such a situation, any hasty rescue attempt in northern Myanmar could prompt the kidnappers to constantly move Wang Tianyu.


Since Wang Fujun reported the kidnapping, the actions taken by the Dragon Kingdom International Police must have made Bai Wancheng and his subordinates extremely vigilant.


Thus, relying on ordinary methods to infiltrate Bai Wancheng's technology park and find Wang Tianyu's exact location was impossible.


After much thought, Lu Ting came up with this alternative plan. Earlier, he had told Chen Yaoguang that he needed to create a flawless identity of a legal citizen of the Dragon Kingdom, specifically a super-rich second-generation heir, as part of this plan.


Wang Tianyu was targeted by the kidnappers while gambling heavily in an underground casino in Thailand. Lu Ting intended to mimic this by disguising himself as a reckless super-rich heir, freely flaunting his wealth in Thailand.


As long as the background check revealed no issues and he waited long enough, Lu Ting believed that the greedy kidnappers would surely take the bait.


At this moment, Chen Yaoguang, standing beside the conference table, looked at Lu Ting with sudden realization.


She wasn't foolish. From the moment Lu Ting made these two requests, she had begun to understand part of his plan.


However, Chen Yaoguang quickly furrowed her brows and asked Lu Ting, "How can you be so sure they will target you and take action?"


During the days Wang Tianyu was captured, the Dragon Kingdom International Police had been actively involved. The kidnappers in northern Myanmar weren't fools; would they really dare to act during such a tense time?


Lu Ting confidently replied, "They definitely will! If the money is tempting enough, they will surely take the bait!"


Over the years, the kidnappers in northern Myanmar had frequently clashed with the Dragon Kingdom International Police. They likely no longer feared the police as they once did. If they truly feared the Dragon Kingdom International Police Headquarters, they would have released Wang Tianyu when the police called for cooperation. Instead, the kidnappers repeatedly demanded ransom, showing they didn't take the police seriously.


In fact, the greedy kidnappers wished for more victims like Wang Tianyu every day. Lu Ting wasn't worried that the kidnappers wouldn't take the bait; if they didn't, it would only mean the money wasn't enough.


The ten million U.S. dollars Lu Ting asked from Wang Fujun was for this purpose.


The officers in the video, including Chief Hong, were impressed by Lu Ting's plan. They hadn't expected him to use such a strategic approach, directly placing himself at the center of the operation. The plan seemed highly feasible and could avoid alarming the enemy while preventing them from relocating or harming Wang Tianyu.


However, the 141 Task Force, who had remained silent, opposed Lu Ting's arrangement. They didn't disagree with the plan itself but were unhappy with the personnel arrangement.


Lu Ting intended to use himself as bait and infiltrate the enemy alone. The 141 Task Force couldn't accept this. As their commander, Lu Ting was too important to risk alone in enemy territory.


After exchanging glances with his team, Price, the team leader, said to Lu Ting, "Sorry, Commander! I shouldn't interfere, but for your safety, let us handle the infiltration."


If everything went according to plan, Lu Ting would face many unknown dangers once inside. The 141 Task Force couldn't let their commander face such risks alone.


(End of the Chapter)