Trump Card! Confidence! Chen Yaoguang's Changed View of Lu Ting


Translator: Cinder Translations



Thus, rather than letting Lu Ting act as the bait, the members of the 141 Task Force unanimously believed it would be more appropriate for them to take on this role.


How could Lu Ting not understand the intentions of the 141 Task Force? However, the reason he made such a decision was that he had considered all the factors.


Lu Ting patiently explained to the 141 Task Force members, "I understand your concerns, but over the years, in places like Thailand and northern Myanmar, most of the people targeted by these kidnapping and scamming groups have Southeast Asian features and are mostly from the Chinese. People with Western features like yours are practically nonexistent."


If any member of the 141 Task Force were to undertake this mission, the effect would not be as good as if someone with Lu Ting's Asian features did it. The unspoken rule among these kidnapping and scamming groups was to target those with Southeast Asian features.


The Chinese Interpol considered Lu Ting for this mission partly because of this reason. If they were looking for capable mercenaries, there were plenty on the dark web. But they chose Lu Ting because they had worked with him before, recognized his abilities, and he had the right look.


"So," Lu Ting continued, glancing around at the 141 Task Force members, "I am more suitable for this task than you. Let's do it as I said. This is my order!"


Despite their reluctance to let Lu Ting face danger alone, the 141 Task Force members could not argue further. After all, Lu Ting was their commander, and his orders were paramount.


In the video conference, Chief Hong, other police officers, and Wang Fujun were impressed by how Lu Ting had considered even this detail in such a short time. Chief Hong had to admit that Lu Ting's plan was indeed bold.


Had the Chinese Interpol officers been tasked with such a mission, they might not have been as decisive as Lu Ting in making this decision. Being targeted by the cunning kidnapping groups in northern Myanmar was no small matter and was not something an average person could handle.


Lu Ting not only came up with this alternative approach but also placed himself in the most dangerous position. This realization left Chief Hong with a complex expression as he sincerely asked, "Mr. Lu, do you have confidence in rescuing the hostage?"


While Lu Ting's idea was indeed a brilliant plan, it was also fraught with danger. If the shrewd kidnappers detected any clue, Lu Ting himself could be in grave danger, let alone Wang Tianming.


Everyone's eyes turned to Lu Ting again, including the entire 141 Task Force. Although they were summoned with absolute loyalty to Lu Ting, they were still uncertain about his actual combat abilities.


However, the experienced Price believed that Lu Ting's confidence in including himself in the plan indicated a high level of self-assurance in his abilities.


In fact, Price's assumption was correct. After undergoing enhancement with super serum, Lu Ting's body had already reached a peak state of perfection.


Moreover, he had a trump card: the divine-level throwing knife technique he previously received as a reward from the system. Especially with this skill, Lu Ting could break through any encirclement, even without any firearms, as long as he found a suitable object to use.


Therefore, Lu Ting had a considerable amount of confidence in his abilities.


Lu Ting then turned his attention back to the video call screen, looked at Chief Hong, and confidently replied, "Don't worry. Since it's my plan, I naturally have the confidence to carry it out perfectly!"


Chief Hong, on the other end of the video conference, was momentarily taken aback by Lu Ting's confident response. But finally, he nodded and said, "Then good luck to you all. We at the Chinese International Police will be waiting for your good news!"


Hearing this, Lu Ting turned to Wang Fujun and instructed him, "If the kidnappers call again demanding ransom in the next two days, find a way to stall them."


"This afternoon, my Team and I will head to Thailand!"


Having already developed a preliminary trust in Lu Ting, Wang Fujun nodded fervently and agreed, "Alright, I understand."


With this, the video conference between Lu Ting, the 141 Task Force, Wang Fujun, and the Chinese International Police concluded.


For a moment, the entire conference room was left with only Lu Ting, the 141 Task Force members, and Chen Yaoguang, who was staring at Lu Ting in a daze.


After this video conference, all of Chen Yaoguang's initial impressions of Lu Ting were overturned. Initially, upon meeting Lu Ting, she had two main impressions: one, that he was reckless, and two, that he had remarkable skills.


As a mercenary, it was understandable that he seemed reckless, since the profession itself involved living on the edge, always prepared for sacrifice and death.


Regarding the second point, Chen Yaoguang could see that Lu Ting indeed had some extraordinary abilities. He had managed to bring out the items needed by the Chinese International Police from a chaotic place like Dak, demonstrating his exceptional skills.


(End of the Chapter)