Thailand, Pathum Thani Province, and Mae Sot District

Translator: Cinder Translations



But after this video conference, she found that she seemed to have oversimplified Lu Ting's character!


Courageous and strategic, meticulous to the point of being unbelievable! Take this hiring task as an example. Even Chen Yaoguang, a seasoned police captain, didn't see any problems with the tactical arrangements made by Team 141 Special Forces before Lu Ting spoke.


To be honest, Lu Ting's considerations were too comprehensive, causing the original plan of Team 141 Special Forces to sound full of loopholes to him.


Thinking of this, Chen Yaoguang looked at Lu Ting's eyes and became more complex.


No wonder these mercenaries, who not only looked older than him but also had more battlefield experience, would willingly follow Lu Ting.


It must be said that he indeed possesses the qualities of Alpha Team leader!


"Miss Chen."


After ending the video conference with them, Lu Ting planned to treat them because there were still many detailed plans that needed to be arranged with the members of Team 141 Special Forces.


So, Lu Ting quickly looked at Chen Yaoguang beside him, the meaning in his eyes indicating for her to leave was already clear.


But unexpectedly, Chen Yaoguang, who usually appeared aloof and cold, now seemed like a changed person, her eyes fixed firmly on Lu Ting.


Knock knock!


Seeing this, Lu Ting had to extend his finger and tap twice on the table in front of her, again reminding, "Miss Chen, your task is completed. You can leave."


Time was tight, and tasks were heavy. Lu Ting didn't want to waste time on unnecessary things.


At this moment, Chen Yaoguang suddenly came back to her senses. She looked at Lu Ting sitting on the chair staring at her, and the slightly mocking eyes of the members of Team 141 Special Forces beside him. A hint of unnatural expression appeared on her face.


Obviously, she realized that her behavior just now, staring straight at Lu Ting like that, was inappropriate.


But immediately, Chen Yaoguang adjusted her mindset. She quickly put away her laptop on the table, packed it into her backpack, and then spoke to Lu Ting alone, "We will arrange the forgery of a legitimate Chinese citizen identity for you before you depart in the afternoon. If during the mission you need assistance from our Chinese International Criminal Police, you can call me."


The order from above was to cooperate with Lu Ting and others in their actions this time. As long as the requests do not cross the bottom line of principles, they can consider accepting them!


After hearing Chen Yaoguang's words, Lu Ting's face showed little change in expression. He just nodded and responded, "Then I'll trouble you, Miss Chen."


To be honest, apart from needing their help in forging a legitimate Chinese citizen identity, Lu Ting really couldn't think of any other aspects where they would need assistance from the Chinese International Criminal Police right now!


After all, he hadn't considered the Chinese International Criminal Police at all in this entire rescue plan from the beginning.


And hearing words of thanks from Lu Ting's mouth for the first time, Chen Yaoguang's hands, tying the straps of her backpack, couldn't help but pause. Then, as if nothing had happened, she slung the backpack over her shoulders.


Before stepping out of the conference room, for reasons unknown to herself, perhaps out of concern that Lu Ting might be exposed during the operation, thus putting the hostage in danger from the kidnappers, she opened her mouth and said to Lu Ting, "Take care of yourself and don't disappoint the employer."


Upon hearing this, a confident smile appeared on Lu Ting's face, and he responded calmly, "Of course, I won't let the 'ducks' I catch slip away!"


Chen Yaoguang: "."


Upon hearing Lu Ting's revealing words about his love of money, Chen Yaoguang was suddenly speechless. Shortly after, she turned and walked away from the conference room towards the estate grounds where Lu Ting was.


As the footsteps faded away from the conference room, Yuri, who had been impatient for a while, looked at Lu Ting and whistled provocatively. He then teasingly remarked, "Commander, it seems like that cold and beautiful lady just now has taken a liking to you!"


"That's right, that's right!"


At this moment, Roach, not one to miss out on the fun, added, "Commander, didn't you notice during the video conference just now? The way she was looking at you was all admiration!"


"When a woman looks at a man with such admiration, what does it mean?"


Upon hearing this, Soap, who was prominently present, promptly answered, "It means she's interested in you, Commander!"


Following this, Soap, in a playful manner, wore a look of exaggerated regret and continued, "Although those Eastern ice queens are indeed beautiful, I prefer the moldy-sweetheart type."


Lu Ting didn't take the banter of his subordinates to heart, merely giving a faint smile in response. After all, his mind was focused on one thing: becoming stronger, leveraging the system to rapidly strengthen both himself and the organization!


Immediately, Lu Ting stood up, closed the conference room door behind him, drew the curtains, and turned on the projector. Soon, a map of Thailand appeared before everyone.


"Alright, let's discuss the real issues."


Upon hearing Lu Ting's words, the previously joking group suddenly became serious, their playful expressions turning solemn as they listened attentively to Lu Ting's upcoming plans.


Despite having already made up his mind, at this moment, Captain Price still confirmed with Lu Ting repeatedly, "Commander, are you really planning to lure those fraudulent kidnappers out alone?"


"Yes, there's no better way."


Saying this, Lu Ting enlarged the map of Thailand several times over, marking two places in red with a pen: Pathum Thani Prefecture and Mae Sot District.


"From what I know about Thailand, these two areas are among the most developed in the country's gambling industry. Incidents of fraud and kidnapping are common in both places."


Since Wang Tianyu was targeted during gambling and subsequently kidnapped for ransom, these would be his first considerations.


Pathum Thani Prefecture, ostensibly a southern tourist attraction in Thailand, actually harbors ongoing fraudulent activities in the gambling industry, as well as trafficking in humans and human organs.


As for Mae Sot District, bordering the northern region of Myanmar, it's similarly famous for its gambling industry. Due to its proximity to Myanmar, it harbors a multitude of criminals engaged in various illegal activities.


(End of the Chapter)