Arriving at Pattaya, Thailand

Of course,

It's not ruled out that Wang Tianyu might have been kidnapped elsewhere, but the likelihood in these two places is slightly higher.


With that said, a contemplative look appeared in Lu Ting's eyes. He then turned to Nikolai and said, "Nikolai, quickly check Wang Tianyu's spending records in Thailand and see if Bai Wancheng has any business interests in these two places."


Upon hearing this, Nikolai nodded and swiftly began tapping on his tablet. Soon, a series of data appeared on his screen, which he then projected onto the projector.


Glancing over the information from top to bottom, he pointed out a few useful details, saying, "Commander, during Wang Tianyu's time in Thailand, the last and highest recorded expenditure was at a casino named 'Cang Sheng' in Batonahni Prefecture."


"After that night, Wang Tianyu's bank account balance remained at zero, and he disappeared without a trace until the subsequent fraudulent kidnappers sent a ransom video to Wang Fujun."


"As for this casino named 'Cang Sheng,' it's not directly owned by Bai Wancheng but rather falls under the gambling industry managed by his second son, though it can still be considered part of his assets."


Watching Nikolai gather limited but worldwide clues in just a minute, Lu Ting felt that the location of Wang Tianyu's kidnapping was becoming clear.


However, Lu Ting's next course of action couldn't simply involve heading straight to this casino; such a move would be too obvious.


Despite being driven by greed, these fraudulent kidnappers were not brainless. On the contrary, each of them was intelligent and cunning.


It was precisely this intelligence and cunning that allowed them to succeed repeatedly without attracting trouble from law enforcement agencies worldwide, who were often left helpless.


Therefore, if they were going to play this game, they had to play the whole set!


After pondering for a few seconds, Lu Ting turned to the members of Team 141 Special Forces and said, "We'll split into two groups. Roach, Yuri, you'll follow me. The rest will follow Captain Price."


"During the next operation, I'll have a tracking chip implanted in my body. Once these fraudulent kidnappers 'capture' me and take me in, you'll be able to pinpoint their exact location!"


"And if I manage to find Wang Tianyu or encounter a life-threatening emergency, I'll find a way to disable the tracking chip and send you a signal."


Turning to Captain Price sitting beside him, Lu Ting continued, "Captain Price, you'll be responsible for devising the backup tactics."


"Nikolai, Ghost, Soap, and Sandman, you'll be on standby with Captain Price!"


Among this entire team, aside from himself, Lu Ting trusted Captain Price the most.


As long as he successfully enters the place where the fraudulent kidnappers are holding the hostage, the tracking chip implanted in his body will immediately transmit his exact location to Captain Price and others who are on standby.


I believe Captain Price will definitely devise a perfect retreat plan based on the surrounding environment and terrain!


"What about Roach and Yuri?"


At this moment, Soap, who didn't quite understand Lu Ting's plan, asked, "Commander, won't bringing them along disrupt the plan?"


When they previously suggested replacing Lu Ting for this task, Lu Ting pointed out that all of them had Western faces, which wasn't suitable. But Roach and Yuri also have Western faces. Won't this affect the kidnappers' decision-making on whether or not to strike?


Upon hearing Soap's doubts, a mischievous smirk appeared on Lu Ting's lips as he leaned back in his chair and spread his hands. "Have you ever seen a wealthy second-generation young man go out without two bodyguards?"


Roach: ...


Yuri: ...


They had initially thought the commander was singling them out for some other task, and Roach and Yuri were secretly looking forward to it!


But they never expected that this additional task would be to act as Lu Ting's bodyguards!


"Well, well, well!"


Upon hearing Lu Ting's words, Soap burst into laughter and said, "So this is what you meant by bodyguards? Excellent!"


While joking, Soap teased Roach and Yuri with playful eyes, but the latter couldn't be bothered to respond.


Then, Lu Ting turned to all the members of Team 141 Special Forces and asked, "Alright, any more questions?"


After a few seconds of silence, seeing no one from Team 141 Special Forces raising their hands to speak, Lu Ting announced calmly, "Very well. If there are no further issues, we'll depart this afternoon for Thailand! As for the situations we may encounter during the mission, we'll adapt as they come!"


"Understood, Commander!"


Time passed quickly.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, many people had already fallen asleep, but for those in Pattaya, the capital of Thailand, the nightlife was just beginning!


At this moment, a flashy sports car roared into the street, followed by a sleek black SUV. Though the latter appeared more discreet than the former, it was equally valuable.


As the two vehicles entered, they occasionally drew curious glances from pedestrians on both sides of the bar street in Pattaya.


In the front seat of the flashy sports car, Lu Ting had changed into a perfectly tailored and expensive suit. His hair was neatly groomed, and the sapphire diamond earring on his earlobe refracted varying degrees of luxury in the light outside the car window.


Even the wristwatch that peeked out when he raised his hand indicated its considerable value.


This extravagant appearance of Lu Ting as a super-rich second-generation was completely different from the Lu Ting who had fought on the battlefield before!


Even Roach and Yuri couldn't help but be stunned when they saw Lu Ting in his new attire for the first time, thinking to themselves: Is this really our commander?!


At this moment, Lu Ting's portrayal of the role of a super-rich second-generation wasn't merely superficial imitation; it was a complete transformation from the inside out.


After glancing at the navigation device in the car, Lu Ting pressed the hidden earpiece in his ear and asked, "Captain Price, how's the tracking situation?"


Immediately, Captain Price's response came through his earpiece.


"Everything's good, Commander!"


(End of the Chapter)