Lu Ting with Grandeur and Majesty!


Roach and Yuri were dressed similarly at this moment, both wearing neatly pressed black suits. They had black earpieces hanging from their ears and wore black sunglasses that covered most of their faces, presenting a professional bodyguard appearance.


They immediately followed behind Lu Ting, staying about half a meter behind him.


On the other side,


The male greeter who had been waiting at the magnificent entrance of Splendor Club for quite some time saw the situation and immediately approached Lu Ting, who looked conspicuously wealthy at first glance. He slightly bowed and greeted in heavily accented English, "Sawadi ka, good evening, sir."


Lu Ting didn't even look at him directly, just raised his hand and tossed the car keys towards him, clearly indicating for him to park the car.


After casually handling this matter, Lu Ting continued walking towards the entrance of Splendor Club.


Seeing this, Yuri held a small iron briefcase and quietly followed.


Meanwhile, Roach hesitated for a moment, pulled out a stack of 1000 Thai baht notes from inside his jacket, handed it to the male greeter, and then hastened to catch up.


After receiving this substantial tip, the male greeter first glanced at the two expensive luxury cars parked at the entrance, then turned back to look at the backs of Lu Ting, Roach, and Yuri. He realized that Lu Ting, who was spending lavishly, must be a distinguished guest!


Immediately, he took out a walkie-talkie from his waist and reported in Thai to someone inside, "A distinguished guest with a chinese accent has entered, accompanied by two bodyguards. Please take note."


As soon as he finished speaking, the walkie-talkie crackled with a response mixed with background noise.


"Copy that!!"


One significant reason why Splendor Club has developed to its current bustling level is its welcoming and attentive service.


All service personnel working at Splendor Club are required to speak English mandatorily because they face guests of all kinds every day, and losing customers due to language barriers is unacceptable.


In fact, it's not just Splendor Club in Thailand that has such requirements. Basically, in the entertainment industry here, any service personnel directly interacting with guests are required to be proficient in at least English and Thai.


That's also why Lu Ting didn't bring an interpreter with him after arriving in Thailand.


At the same time, their service personnel are very discerning because they provide different levels of service based on the guests' financial status.


And these greeters at the entrance of Splendor Club serve as the first threshold to assess guests.


After receiving the brief information about Lu Ting, Roach, and Yuri, the service staff at Splendor Club immediately arranged for an experienced female hostess to come and greet them.


Soon, this hostess saw Lu Ting, who had just entered through the main entrance, followed by Roach and Yuri behind him.


"Sawadi ka!"


With a smile on her face, the hostess approached Lu Ting and, after greeting him, asked in a sweet voice, "May I ask for your esteemed name, sir?"


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting glanced nonchalantly at the female hostess in front of him. With heavy makeup, a voluptuous figure, and revealing attire, she was far from surprising. He replied indifferently, "Zhao."


"Mr. Zhao, is it?" The female hostess simply confirmed upon hearing Lu Ting's response, without further inquiry. Instead, she introduced herself, "My name is Marry, and I'll be your host tonight, arranging your entertainment."


"It seems Mr. Zhao is visiting Splendor Club for the first time, right? What would you like to do tonight?" As she spoke, Marry's seemingly passionate gaze also subtly scanned Lu Ting, observing his spending capacity.


Snap! Lu Ting didn't immediately respond to the female hostess's words but snapped his fingers towards Yuri behind him.


Seeing this, Yuri immediately understood. He lifted the small iron briefcase he had been holding and placed it beside Roach's arms.


Snap! Snap! After unlocking the sealed metal buckle, the small iron briefcase revealed neatly stacked bundles of 1000 baht notes!


Without giving the female hostess time to react, Lu Ting reached into the small iron briefcase and threw two bundles of baht notes to her. Then, he revealed a mischievous smirk and said, "Of course."


"What's fun, we'll play it!"


The ten million dollars Lu Ting had demanded from Wang Fujun had already been deposited. Five million of it had been exchanged into the local currency, totaling over 176 million baht.


After receiving the payment, Lu Ting also received a call from Wang Fujun, offering more funds if needed. Since the employer was so generous in order to rescue his son, Lu Ting naturally wouldn't hesitate to spend.


After all, only by spending more would the fish bite faster!


On this side, the female hostess instinctively caught the money Lu Ting threw over, and after half a second of reaction, she revealed an even brighter smile than before and said, "Understood, please follow me."


Immediately, she turned her waist and led Lu Ting's group towards the bustling interior.


Soon, Lu Ting, Roach, and Yuri were led to a suspended private room on the second floor, which was evidently more spacious and comfortable than the dance floor below.


Of course, the view from the entire room was also first-rate!


Lu Ting took a few steps forward, came to the railing of the private room, and glanced downwards. He thought to himself that this female hostess was indeed good at reading people.


"Mr. Zhao, please wait here while I arrange things downstairs."


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting, who had been watching the dance floor below, did not respond to her, but raised his hand to gesture for her to leave.


After seeing Lu Ting's gesture, the female hostess smiled and exited the private room.


However, as she closed the door of the private room, the extremely bright smile on the female hostess's face disappeared instantly.


After glancing back at the closed door of the private room, the female hostess took out a walkie-talkie and said lightly to the person on the other end, "Another rich fool has arrived, send someone to deliver drinks and bring people up. He's loaded."


As for why she called Lu Ting a rich fool, that was because the behavior of Lu Ting showing her the money in the small box at the door just now seemed foolish in her eyes!


(End of the Chapter)