Commander, Aren’t You Happy!

Splendor Club, while ostensibly a high-end entertainment venue, actually attracted a diverse clientele. In reality, it was a mix of all kinds of people. Just because it was upscale didn't mean everyone inside was noble. After all, they were in the business of making money and only avoided the poor. As for others, well...


Lu Ting's display of wealth was akin to flaunting, which easily attracted the attention of unscrupulous individuals here. Hence, the hostess made such remarks.


Whether Lu Ting was genuinely naive with money or relying on the two bodyguards behind him to act recklessly, the hostess seemed to think both applied!


Anyway, Splendor Club only cared about smiling and taking money from their guests' pockets. As for anything else, it wasn't the concern of their service staff.


Little did they know...


A prodigal son like Lu Ting was exactly the image he wanted others to see.


Meanwhile, inside the private room after the hostess left, Roach and Yuri remained vigilant, not forgetting their duties as bodyguards. They stood smartly on Lu Ting's left and right, their eyes hidden behind sunglasses, carefully scanning the dance floor below and the surroundings.


Seeing their tense demeanor, Lu Ting smiled and patted Yuri on the shoulder, saying to both of them, "No need to be too nervous. We're just getting started."


"Over the next day or two, we'll spend our time in places like this."


All they needed to do was spend lavishly, indulge in various pleasures, and wait!


After hearing Lu Ting's words, Roach and Yuri's expressions remained unchanged. They simply nodded slightly to indicate they understood.


Before long, the hostess who had left returned, accompanied by a group of waiters carrying various expensive wines and glasses, some by hand and others on small carts.


Of course, what attracted everyone's attention in the dance floor was the lineup of impeccable-looking 'female attendants'!


The gaze of everyone in the dance floor couldn't help but be drawn, watching the hostess and those behind her step by step into the elevator, arriving at the secluded second-floor vault separated from the first-floor space.


Seeing this scene, everyone understood that another wealthy guest had arrived at Splendor Club!


For those with average spending power, envy was all they could afford.


But in some dimly lit corners, there were a few individuals with murky and obscure gazes, subtly peering towards Lu Ting's private room.


They hid among the crowd, and in the dim light, their actions were difficult for ordinary people to detect. However, Roach, stationed by the window of the private room, noticed everything.


Observing the frequent glances from several directions towards their direction, Roach didn't immediately report to Lu Ting. Instead, he spoke to Yuri through the earpiece, "Yuri, pay attention. At your one o'clock, four o'clock, nine o'clock, and twelve o'clock positions, in the corners, observe those people."


The matter was significant, and even Roach didn't dare to jump to conclusions. He decided to wait until everything here concluded and inform Lu Ting afterward.


Knock, knock...


At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the private room. The door was pushed open, revealing the hostess who had strutted through downstairs with her entourage.


"Mr. Zhao."


After a brief greeting with Lu Ting, who had already seated himself on the sofa, the hostess stepped aside to let her staff carrying the drinks enter the room.


Soon, waiters holding various expensive wines entered one after another, placing them along with glasses on the drink table in front of Lu Ting.


Lu Ting raised his eyelids slightly and glanced over the array of drinks they had brought—Richard Hennessy, Louis XIII, Lafite, and so on. Whether Lu Ting drank them or not, they filled the table completely. They were all high-priced wines, mostly upwards of 70-80,000 Taishus.


Clearly, Lu Ting's previous display had been successful, making the hostess believe he was a super-rich second-generation who loved to splurge.


After serving various drinks and equally expensive appetizer platters, what entered the private room next was the 'main course' the hostess truly intended for Lu Ting!


Immediately, the female attendants who had been waiting outside entered one by one.


Once all of them were inside the room, these five or six top-tier female attendants, with different styles and flawless appearances, stood neatly in front of Lu Ting. They spoke in extremely gentle and soft tones, smiling as they greeted him, "Sawadi ka, good evening, Mr. Zhao."


Without waiting for Lu Ting to respond, the hostess who had brought them in glanced at Lu Ting's slightly pleased expression and instructed the attendants, "Take good care of Mr. Zhao and ensure he's happy."


"Mr. Zhao, enjoy your evening!"


After instructing the attendants, the hostess greeted Lu Ting and swayed her hips as she exited the room.


In an instant, besides Lu Ting on the sofa in the room, there were five or six elegantly dressed women. As soon as the hostess left, these attendants flocked around Lu Ting, each vying for his attention.


Calling out "Mr. Zhao," pouring drinks, feeding him drinks, massaging his shoulders, and some even stood in front of Lu Ting, dancing and moving to the music from the dance floor below.


Lu Ting welcomed them all, accepting everything that came his way without discrimination.


At this moment, Roach and Yuri, standing in the private room, were very astute and immediately turned their heads away, looking towards the dance floor below. They didn't spare another glance at what was happening inside the room.


After Nikolai's 'kind reminder' before they entered, they couldn't bear to look at the beauties in Splendor Club. Just the thought that they could possibly be men made them feel awkward!


They couldn't stand to look at them anymore!


At this moment, Roach and Yuri truly admired their commander from the bottom of their hearts. They had heard every word Nikolai said through the hidden earpiece earlier, but now Lu Ting was not showing any signs of what he heard!


He seemed genuinely happy surrounded by all these attentions!


In response to this, Roach and Yuri could only think of one thing to say: Commander, Aren't You Happy!


(End of the Chapter)