Seductive Dealer

"Don't worry."


Xingyue just smiled at this and said nonchalantly, "Young and spirited people are more easily drawn in. Since two days ago when he started frequenting the casino, I've arranged for our people below to let him win nine out of ten gambles."


"Whether he suspects it or not, I don't know. But I do know that the amount he's betting is increasing more and more!"


Although Xingyue said she didn't know if Zhao Ting suspected anything, her exceptionally proud expression indicated she didn't think Zhao Ting had noticed anything amiss.


After all, in the psychological state of gambling, people only think they keep winning because their luck is explosively good!


Upon hearing Xingyue's confident words, the man sitting in the boss's chair stood up at this moment, walked to Xingyue's side, scrutinized her makeup with his eyes, then reached out to tidy up her slightly messy hair, and smiled, "If we successfully capture this prey this time, then, in addition to the upper management, you can take half of the subsequent ransom as a reward for these two times."


Upon hearing this, a greedy light flashed in Xingyue's eyes, and a bright smile spread across her face as she confirmed, "Are you serious, boss?"


The man didn't directly answer, just nodded silently.


With the confirmed answer, Xingyue grinned and said, "Then I must 'entertain' him well!"


After saying this, Xingyue turned around, swaying her hips as she left the office.


At the same time,


On the second floor of the casino, Lu Ting, who had once again won a huge amount of bets, looked at the time and did not continue. Instead, he stepped away from the gambling table, walked slowly to the bar, ordered a glass of whiskey, and sipped it slowly. At the same time, his eyes scanned the entire gambling hall incessantly.


Similar to Lu Ting's analysis, in this Cangsheng Casino, most of the faces were from China and Southeast Asia, with very few Western faces with blonde hair and blue eyes.


His followers, Roach and Yuri, stood out prominently here.


With eyes watching in all directions and ears attentive to everything around him, Lu Ting also noticed that there were many glances directed towards him in the gambling hall, some curious onlookers due to his recent big wins, but more of those glances carried the meaning of prey, as if sizing him up.


Lu Ting wasn't surprised by these glances. After all, two days ago, he had already been targeted by these kidnapping syndicates who thought they were hiding very well.


Tonight's underground auction might just be the best opportunity for Lu Ting to draw them out!


Therefore, Lu Ting's plan for the next step was simple—do what he does best, show off ostentatiously!


No matter what kind of items were at the underground auction, Lu Ting would intentionally or unintentionally participate in the bidding. It would be best to bid an outrageous price for several exhibits, vividly showcasing his image as a wealthy young man with too much money to spend.


While Lu Ting was contemplating with lowered eyes, Roach on his left and Yuri on his right noticed a woman in a black professional OL suit with shoulder-length hair stepping towards them not far in front of the commander.


Upon noticing this, Roach and Yuri exchanged a glance but did not immediately take action.


Although the woman was walking towards them, they couldn't yet confirm whether she was heading for Lu Ting or the bar behind them.


Therefore, after noticing the woman, their attention under their sunglasses and their focus remained on her.


As she approached closer, Lu Ting, who had been pondering something, also heard the approaching footsteps in front of him.


Restraining his thoughts, he looked up at the same time. The woman, who seemed to be a casino staff member, had already approached within one to two meters in front of him.


Just as she was about to come closer to Lu Ting, Roach and Yuri beside him kept their expressions unchanged but stepped forward half a step, directly blocking the woman in front of her.


Obviously, as bodyguards, they wouldn't allow unknown people to approach their master Zhao Ting.


Seeing this, Xingyue was not annoyed. With a flawless face, she still wore a radiant smile and looked towards Lu Ting, her tone carrying a hint of intimacy as she said, "Mr. Zhao, I've come to deliver something to you."


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting, sitting on the bar stool, slightly squinted his eyes at her, using a scrutinizing gaze to scan her from head to toe.


Immediately after, he smiled and said to Roach and Yuri, "Don't be so lacking in gentlemanly manners. Let her come over."


As soon as the words fell, Roach and Yuri immediately stepped aside.


"A Bloody Mary, thank you."


Xingyue sat very naturally on the stool next to Lu Ting and said a word to the bartender behind the bar before turning her body to face Lu Ting.


Then, she pulled out a golden card from her jacket pocket and placed it on the table in front of Lu Ting, smiling, "This is your 'admission ticket,' Mr. Zhao."


Listening to her words with hidden meanings, a different emotion flashed in Lu Ting's eyes, but quickly, he reached out with a smile and picked up the golden card.


On this golden card, only his fake identity name, Zhao Ting, was written in a very simple manner, nothing else.


An admission ticket?


What kind of admission ticket?


Is it an admission ticket for tonight's underground auction, or...?


Soon after, Lu Ting was too lazy to say thank you to her and directly put the card representing his identity information into his jacket pocket.


"Why don't you continue accompanying me?"


Seeing Lu Ting inviting her over but not speaking to her, the smile on Xingyue's face froze for half a second, but having seen all sorts of scenes, she lifted her smile again the next second and asked, "Is there anything at Cangsheng that Mr. Zhao finds unsatisfactory?"




Lu Ting answered without hesitation. After finishing the whiskey in front of him in one go, he stared at Xingyue beside him with a serious expression, "The dealers here, tsk, they're all too ugly."


Xingyue: "."


All the card dealers at Cangsheng Casino were women. Their appearances and figures were something she knew very well. Since its opening, this was the first time someone had criticized them for being ugly.


(End of the Chapter)