Ghostly Ball, Carved from Ivory

For a moment, even someone like Xingyue found it hard to hold back the smile on her face.


But unexpectedly, the next moment, Lu Ting, who had been serious, suddenly smiled somewhat capriciously and looked at Xingyue, saying, "Seriously? Can't take a joke?"




"How could it be, Mr. Lu? Of course, I knew you were joking."


Although Xingyue maintained a smiling appearance on the surface, in reality, she was cursing Lu Ting inwardly and even secretly decided that after Lu Ting was captured, she would make sure to have him tortured!


Seeing her slightly grit her teeth while speaking, Lu Ting found it amusing. He suddenly felt that the psychological endurance of these scam kidnappers wasn't that great after all, to be so easily provoked?


However, outwardly, Lu Ting still put on a very leisurely appearance, showing a confident smile as he said, "In these past few days, I've won too much!"


"You know, in gambling, if you keep winning, it loses its thrill!"


Hey Everyone, Listen to him!

What a statement?!


If Lu Ting's words were heard by those gambling enthusiasts, they would probably be infuriated!


After hearing Lu Ting's words, Xingyue maintained a polite fake smile on the surface but internally scoffed, "If it weren't for me targeting you, do you think you'd have such good luck?"


"In that case."


Xingyue leaned forward slightly, her body moving towards Lu Ting, her silky eyes staring straight at his face, and said, "I have a more interesting place. Mr. Zhao, do you have any thoughts on coming to play with me after the auction?"


With these words, Roach and Yuri, standing beside Lu Ting, immediately sensed something unusual.


And Lu Ting was also intrigued, staring at the woman sitting in front of him.


The opportunity he had been waiting for had finally arrived?


But Lu Ting didn't immediately agree. Instead, he asked in return, "Of course, I can go with you to play. But if I do go, I still feel it won't be fun. How will you compensate for my time?"


Upon hearing this, a perfectly flawless smile appeared on Xingyue's beautiful face, and she confidently said, "I'll make sure you're satisfied, Mr. Zhao."


After saying this, she didn't give Lu Ting a chance to refuse but finished her drink in one go, stood up, and said, "After the auction, I'll be waiting for you here, Mr. Zhao!"


"Lastly, I wish you a pleasant time at the upcoming auction!"


As she finished speaking, Xingyue turned and walked away, leaving only a graceful figure swaying behind her for Lu Ting to see.


Seeing this, the smile on Lu Ting's face also faded, replaced by a thoughtful expression in his eyes.


After observing for these past few days, is she finally unable to contain herself and trying to lure me in?


"Lu Ting, who knew the other party's true intentions well, showed little change in expression on his face.


"Ding dong!"


At this moment, in the once bustling casino hall, a sudden and abrupt alert tone sounded over the speakers. Upon hearing this sound, the crowd that had been engaged in various gambling activities stopped their actions one after another and began moving in the same direction.


Seeing this, Lu Ting glanced down at his wristwatch, then stood up from his chair. After tidying up his slightly wrinkled clothes, he said to Roach and Yuri, "Let's go check out what interesting items are at the auction."


With that, Lu Ting lifted his foot and followed behind the crowd, moving forward slowly.


Roach and Yuri exchanged a glance and immediately followed suit.


Descending in the elevator, when the elevator doors opened again, Lu Ting, Roach, and Yuri found themselves facing a room about the size of a classroom.


By now, this auction room had already gathered many people dressed in expensive attire similar to Lu Ting's, though there were also some who dressed like nouveau riche.


At the far end of the room was an auction exhibition platform about half a meter above the ground, with nothing else except for the platform and the auctioneer's stand.


After surveying the surroundings, Lu Ting stepped forward into the room.


When Lu Ting, followed closely by his personal bodyguard, entered, they immediately attracted the attention of many onlookers.


After finding a relatively forward position and standing still, the auction officially began!


Just moments ago, women who were chatting and flirting at the bar with Lu Ting now appeared behind the auctioneer's podium.


Seeing Lu Ting among the crowd, Xingyue, behind the auctioneer's podium, smiled at him and nodded slightly.


However, Lu Ting did not respond.


Following this, Xingyue picked up a small hammer and tapped twice on the auctioneer's podium. The once noisy crowd immediately quieted down, and all guests ceased their whispers, directing their gaze and attention to the auction platform.


"Welcome everyone to the auction of Cangsheng. I'm sure you've been looking forward to today's auction items for quite some time. Without further ado, Xingyue will begin tonight's event!"


"Let's introduce our first auction item!"


As Xingyue's voice fell, the ground beside her on the auction platform slowly opened to both sides, revealing a square black hole in front of the audience.


Following this, as the platform slowly rose from the bottom, a square object covered with black velvet cloth emerged.


Seeing this, the eyes of the crowd below converged on this object, covered by the black velvet cloth, with expressions of anticipation and curiosity.


"Ladies and gentlemen, our first auction item today!"


Xingyue approached the object covered by black velvet cloth, grabbed a corner of the cloth, and with a slightly elevated tone, said, "A century-old Ivory Concentric Ball!"


As her words fell, Xingyue grabbed a corner of the black velvet cloth and pulled it downwards sharply!


As the black velvet cloth was pulled off, a beam of light shone down from above, illuminating a milky-white concentric ball inside a glass case!


Under this beam of light, the milky-white concentric ball appeared extremely smooth and flawless!


"The Concentric Ball, also known as the Ghostly Ball, is crafted from natural ivory into a spherical shape, intricately carved with layers that rotate!"


(End of the Chapter)