Don't Bet Your Entire Fortune Against My Pocket Money

Xingyue stood beside the exhibition platform, smiling as she briefly introduced to the audience below the completely ivory-crafted ghost ball.


As widely known,


Starting many years ago, all kinds of items made from ivory are prohibited from any form of trade worldwide.


The most significant reason being that poachers cause serious harm to protect elephants, even killing elephants directly for their ivory.


Therefore, ivory products have long disappeared from the market, and no one dares to openly trade them.


Ordinary ivory-made items cannot be bought or sold, let alone the ghost ball introduced by Xingyue, which has a history of a hundred years.


The moment Lu Ting saw this ivory craftsmanship, he felt a very familiar feeling. The ancient and quaint patterns carved on its surface clearly bore cultural features unique to the China.


Sure enough,


Xingyue on the auction exhibition platform continued, "I'm sure many of you have guessed its origin from the patterns on its surface. Yes, this first exhibit is an artifact from the China."


"Now, the ivory concentric ball with a hundred years of history will start at 20,000 Dollars!"


As her words fell, Xingyue on the auction exhibition platform looked straight down to the audience, focusing on Lu Ting in the crowd — no, it should be said, at this moment, she was looking at Zhao Ting.


If Lu Ting were standing in the auction house right now, he would have no interest in such a so-called ivory craftsmanship.


Although he is a foreigner from the China, he has no sense of so-called patriotism in his bones.


But now, Lu Ting is standing here as Zhao Ting. Even if he doesn't bid for it, he should at least show some interest.


Soon, the entire auction venue became interested in this ivory concentric ball, and bidding began.


"25,000 Dollars!"


"30,000 Dollars!"


"50,000 Dollars!"




There were many interested people on-site, and the price of this ivory concentric ball soared rapidly.


Initially, Lu Ting in the crowd was just observing quietly and did not participate in the bidding.


Although he had long been prepared to make a big splash at this auction and attract attention, he also knew that now was not the time.


Lu Ting aimed for a stunning effect with a single move!


When the price reached 65,000 Dollars, the bidding voices at the auction scene gradually diminished, and eventually, no one bid further.


"65,000 Dollars going once!"


"Does anyone want to raise the bid?"


Xingyue stood on the auction platform, smiling as he looked down at the crowd, repeating the current auction price to them.


"Sixty-five thousand dollars twice!"


Just then,


Just as everyone thought this incredibly exquisite ivory concentric ball was about to sell for sixty-five thousand dollars, Lu Ting, who had remained silent all this while, unexpectedly raised his bid: "One hundred thousand!"




With this price, the entire auction scene immediately buzzed with astonishment. Everyone turned towards Lu Ting's position.


Obviously, they were very surprised by the hundred thousand price, not expecting someone to raise it to this level.


Though ivory is indeed precious, to other bidders, a price of a hundred thousand dollars seemed unnecessary.


You see, ivory is priced by weight. While this concentric ball on the platform is indeed exquisitely crafted, its intricate hollow carvings are numerous. It would still be a good collectible at the right price.


If the price exceeds its intrinsic value by too much, it would be a loss!


But Lu Ting couldn't care less about all that. He wanted this spectacular effect.


As for whether the price was appropriate or not,


After all, it's not his money being spent, so why should he care?


It's just a hundred thousand dollars, which is nothing to 'Zhao Ting', who currently has several hundred dollars in his account!


"One hundred thousand dollars once!"


With the auction item fetching a price beyond its intrinsic value, Xingyue's smile on the auction platform grew even more pronounced, and his tone couldn't help but rise.


"One hundred thousand dollars twice!"


"One hundred thousand dollars thrice!"




As Xingyue's auction hammer fell, the century-old ivory concentric ball was successfully sold to Lu Ting for one hundred thousand dollars.


"Sold! Congratulations to Mr. Zhao Ting for winning this auction item!"


As soon as the words fell, the entire auction scene burst into applause.


But to anyone discerning, although they were smiling, when they looked at Lu Ting, there was obviously a hint of seeing him as 'foolish with money'.




Just then, Lu Ting heard a large, fat man just half a meter ahead of him, speaking with mockery and disdain to those around him: "Looks like another fool from Chinese, spending a hundred thousand dollars on such a thing, really stupid!"


Although the man's voice wasn't loud when talking to others, it was clear and distinct enough for Lu Ting to hear every word.


Even Roach and Yuri, standing beside Lu Ting, heard his words and immediately frowned displeasingly, their eyes staring daggers under their sunglasses at the man, filled with irritation.


But because Lu Ting didn't react, they didn't act on the spot.


At this moment, the next item was lifted onto the platform.


Inside the glass case, there was only a slightly antiquated ancient dagger.


And Xingyue's introduction on the auction platform was also very brief, only hearing her say, "This ancient dagger is the personal dagger of King Sparasi III of Mesopotamia, its preciousness goes without saying!"


"Starting bid, fifty thousand dollars!"


As soon as the words fell, the man who had spoken ill of Lu Ting just half a meter in front of him immediately showed a keen interest and immediately spoke up, "One hundred thousand dollars!"


In just an instant, the price of this dagger was directly doubled!


And the man standing in front of Lu Ting, for some reason at this moment, suddenly turned slightly to glance at Lu Ting in the rear position, and his eyes were still full of contempt!


His eyes and expression seemed to say: See, the fool from Chinese, this is a valuable treasure!


(End of the Chapter)