How I bid is none of your damn business!

The large, corpulent man's provocative demeanor and actions successfully caught Lu Ting's attention.


Although the man quickly turned back around, his mannerisms and the way he spoke to those around him suggested he was determined to acquire this item.


Immediately, Lu Ting's eyes narrowed slightly, emitting a dangerous gleam. After staring at the man's back for several seconds, he scanned the entire auction scene.


Even after this man doubled the price of the ancient dagger with his bid, there were still others eager to bid.


"One hundred thousand dollars, Mr. Kira."


Xingyue on the auction platform smiled slightly, announcing to the bidders below, "Any other bids?"


"One hundred thousand and one dollar."


As soon as the voice fell,


Among the crowd, Lu Ting directly spoke up with a higher bid before anyone else.


However, this time, he only raised it by one dollar!


"?? One one dollar ??"




"How amusing. One dollar?"




As expected, after Lu Ting announced his bid of just one dollar, the entire auction hall erupted in a commotion. After a brief moment of astonishment, everyone burst into subdued laughter and whispered comments.


Clearly, even in an underground auction like this, they had never seen anyone raise the bid by just one dollar!


Even Roach and Yuri, standing beside Lu Ting, looked unexpectedly at him under their sunglasses, both turning their gaze to him.


At this moment, they were also unsure what their commander, Lu Ting, was up to.


As for Mr. Kira, the fat, oily-headed man in front of Lu Ting, upon hearing the bid of one hundred thousand point one dollars, couldn't help but turn back to look at Lu Ting.


However, his face and eyes still carried a mocking expression.




At this moment, Xingyue on the auction platform also showed a brief moment of confusion on her face. Clearly, she hadn't expected Lu Ting to bid this way.


After all, everyone who attended auctions knew very well that each bid increase had specific rules.


And in this underground auction, the rule was that each bid increase could not be less than five thousand dollars.


Lu Ting's bid of just one dollar was somewhat disruptive.


Soon, to maintain the auction order, Xingyue quickly regained her smile and reminded Lu Ting, "Actually, Mr. Zhao, in this auction, each bid increase is supposed to be in increments of five thousand dollars."


Just as Xingyue finished speaking, Mr. Kira at the auction podium below raised his hand again and bid, "Two hundred thousand!"


His tone clearly indicated his determination to acquire this dagger.


Upon hearing this, Xingyue hesitated for a moment, but then smiled to defuse the situation, "Very well, Mr. Kira, two hundred thousand dollars!"


"The current price for this knife is two hundred thousand dollars!"


Seeing this, Lu Ting's aristocratic smile remained unchanged. He casually raised his hand again and calmly bid, "Two hundred thousand and one dollar."


As soon as his voice fell, the crowd below the auction immediately buzzed with commotion.


At this moment, anyone with insight could see that Lu Ting's real purpose in bidding like this was not just for the dagger on the platform.


In fact, Lu Ting had other intentions for bidding this way.


Even though the rules of this underground auction hadn't been announced beforehand, Lu Ting knew very well that bids should not be less than several thousand dollars each time.


Bidding one dollar each time was unheard of.


The reason why Lu Ting did this was, of course, because of the disrespectful behavior shown towards him by the fat man in front of him just now!


He could tell that the other party was very eager to acquire this dagger. Doubling the price so generously from the start indicated just that.


Since the man was so eager to get this dagger, Lu Ting would not allow him to easily obtain something he desired so much!


As a wealthy second generation in Chinese with plenty of money to spare, isn't it normal behavior to give a little payback to someone who had spoken rudely to him?


Upon hearing Lu Ting's bid again, Mr. Kira, who had mocked Lu Ting earlier, immediately realized that Lu Ting was targeting him.


The next moment, he turned around again. Although he maintained a very hypocritical expression on his face, his words were blunt, "Don't show off too much, be careful not to get yourself into trouble!"


Upon hearing this, Roach and Yuri, standing on both sides of Lu Ting, frowned displeasingly. Even with sunglasses on, it was clear to see their expressions had turned cold.


In response to this obvious threat, Roach immediately warned, "Mind your words."


At this point, Lu Ting simply raised his hand slightly, indicating Roach not to waste words on such a person. Soon, he displayed a mocking smile, speaking in a fearless manner, "It's just bidding at the same auction, the organizers haven't said anything. How I bid is none of your damn business!"


"If you want something, then bid for it!" Since Lu Ting now has plenty of time and money, if the other party wants to play, then he'll play along!


Since the other party dared to speak rudely to him earlier, Zhao Ting, as a wealthy second generation accustomed to being dominant in the country, would certainly not allow him to easily obtain what he wanted!




Lu Ting's words, which didn't even bother to disguise his false manners, successfully provoked Mr. Kira, who seemed somewhat fierce and evil-looking, into emitting a sneer of unknown meaning.


At this moment, Xingyue, standing on the auction platform, noticed the situation between Lu Ting and Mr. Kira, sensing that something was amiss between them. She immediately spoke up to divert attention, "Any other bids? Mr. Kira?"


In fact, Mr. Kira was an old customer of their Cangsheng Casino. This knife, excavated from the ancient tomb, had already been earmarked for Mr. Kira. Its auction was just a formality.


But no one had expected that Zhao Ting, a newcomer, would suddenly appear. Mr. Kira's influence in the old nest area was something they couldn't afford to offend. But in the current situation, Xingyue also didn't want to upset him!


After all, for them, Zhao Ting was also an extremely important "fish"!


They must appease him and not let the opportunity slip away!


(End of the Chapter)