Little Brother, Why do you have to play with me?

Upon hearing Xingyue's inquiry, Mr. Kira gave Lu Ting a fierce glare before turning back and bidding, "Of course! Three hundred thousand!"


Mr. Kira's renewed bid caused Xingyue's smile to widen slightly. She immediately repeated, "Mr. Kira bids three hundred thousand."


But before she could finish, Lu Ting swiftly followed up, "Three hundred thousand, 1.1 dollar!"


This time, Lu Ting didn't bid with just one dollar increments; he chose to insultingly bid with one dollars fractions! At this moment, the attention of most of the auction scene was focused entirely on Lu Ting.


To be honest, the vast majority among them were not newcomers to the Cangsheng Casino's underground auctions, and most were familiar with each other's identities.


However, for Lu Ting—or rather, Zhao Ting—this was their first encounter.


Simultaneously, it was also their first time seeing someone causing trouble at the Cangsheng Casino!


And equally importantly, Mr. Kira was not someone easy to provoke!


Who knew what kind of influence this Mr. Zhao had behind him, enabling him to be so arrogant?


For a moment, the crowd at the auction site was curious about Lu Ting's background while observing the commotion between him and Mr. Kira.


Upon hearing Lu Ting once again bid in such a mocking manner, Mr. Kira's expression turned even uglier. Anger visibly churned in his eyes. Immediately, he bid again, "Five hundred thousand!"


This time, Mr. Kira directly added two hundred thousand, raising the price of this dagger he had his eyes on to a high of five hundred thousand dollars!


Such a high price had long exceeded the intrinsic value of this burial dagger!


Just the thought of having to spend several hundred thousand dollars more to acquire this collectible dagger that was originally intended for him fueled Mr. Kira's uncontrollable rage.


Next, he regained his composure and strode towards Lu Ting, who was still smiling mockingly. Roach and Yuri, who stood by Lu Ting's side, immediately reacted by stepping forward half a step, subconsciously trying to intercept this unwelcome visitor.


Seeing this, Mr. Kira didn't continue to approach but stopped in his tracks. However, his eyes, filled with mocking intent, scanned Roach and Yuri.


Immediately after, he fiercely warned, "Don't be naive, thinking you can do whatever you want with two bodyguards by your side."


"Don't be a nuisance here, kid, or else you won't even know how you'll die once you leave this gambling house!"


If his previous words were just a covert warning to Lu Ting, then Mr. Kira's current statement was a blatant threat, indicating clearly to Lu Ting that he would pay a painful price if he continued to recklessly cause trouble.


But the next second, far from being intimidated by his words, Lu Ting not only wasn't scared but even revealed a look that suggested he found something amusing.


To be frank, one of the things Lu Ting currently detested the most was being threatened!


Because during the time when his own armed group was on the verge of bankruptcy and closure, the most frequent words he heard were threats from various quarters!


And Mr. Kira's recent behavior had thoroughly angered Lu Ting!




At this moment, with a face full of carefree smiles, Lu Ting approached Mr. Kira and spoke, "Mr. Kira, five hundred thousand isn't a small amount. It's clear you really want that dagger."


At this point, the smile on Lu Ting's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a sinister expression. He continued, "But then again, snatching something beloved is also something I, Zhao Ting, enjoy doing."


The next moment, Lu Ting couldn't be bothered to waste more words with him. Instead, he raised his hand towards Xingyue on the auction platform and loudly declared, "One million!"


As soon as he spoke, Mr. Kira standing in front of Lu Ting had a face as dark as the bottom of a pot. His eyes staring at Lu Ting seemed to be on the verge of shooting fire.


The rest of the auction scene also turned their heads towards Lu Ting who had bid one million dollars, one after another.


No wonder he dared to be so arrogant; turns out he's relying on his wealth.


However, the smile on Xingyue's face at the auction platform was somewhat restrained. She really didn't understand how the well-behaved Lu Ting had clashed with Mr. Kira! This dagger was originally reserved for Mr. Kira, but now Lu Ting had directly raised the price to one million dollars. Even if it was just for show, if Mr. Kira wanted to win it, he would have to continue adding money!


However, after this auction, Xingyue became more convinced that Zhao Ting was simply a rich second-generation playboy who was used to being arrogant and domineering, relying solely on his wealth.


Even in an unfamiliar place, he didn't restrain his arrogance at all, and clearly lacked any sense!


Although the Cangsheng Casino didn't openly say so, almost everyone who could attend this underground auction was not someone easy to provoke.


As for Mr. Kira, discerning individuals could tell that he was not someone easy to provoke either. Yet Zhao Ting not only repeatedly angered him but also planned to take away something he clearly wanted.


As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not oppress the local snake!


Zhao Ting's behavior completely disregarded his own safety. Even though he had two bodyguards by his side, if Mr. Kira really wanted to act against him, these two bodyguards would probably not be enough to handle it!


However, now that Zhao Ting had become the "fat pig" on their Cangsheng Casino turf, as long as he succeeded and explained to Mr. Kira afterwards, Mr. Kira would probably let it go for the sake of his reputation.


But then Mr. Kira would probably demand that they give this presumptuous Zhao Ting a "little lesson".


Thinking of this, Xingyue's slightly stiff face quickly returned to its usual smile. She nodded slightly towards the furious Mr. Kira below, indicating for him to calm down.


Immediately after, under Lu Ting's signal, she extended her hand and pointed towards Zhao Ting, who had placed the bid, and said, "Mr. Zhao Ting bids one million. Is there anyone bidding higher?"


(End of the Chapter)