a pleasure to meet you

Her bubble bursted when he said those words.

"I have every intention of fucking you, of putting my seed inside you." He said "I am just not a heathen like Riley and Oliver. My temper is more tame than Alexander's and I'm not as condescending as Gabriel" he sat looking at me with his expression less face.

"I understand, thank you for clarifying, I can only hope to do my best with all that is expected of me" Violet said looking down at her hands playing with her thumbs. Her eyes watering.

Just constantly reminded that there will be more nights like last night and that she will now be expected to have their babies. To drink from her. To let all of these men have there way with her. This was her fate. There was nothing she would ever be able to do to change it.

How was she going to keep living like this? She didn't know how she can handle more nights like last night.

Though she didn't mind Alexander's company. She didn't know what it would be like with the other three brothers.

"I have yet formally introduce myself, yesterday my brothers lust was overwhelming so I left as soon as I saw that you were pleasing to the eye." He said standing up and walking over to me. Taking my hand and kissing it "I am Jeremy Dracu, a Pure Blood Prince."

"Pleased sir, I am Violet Dalcaras"

He smiled a bit "Violet Dracu Queen of Vampires"

And in that moment my heart dropped. I might be meat to some of them but at least I have one person here who acknowledges I'm alive. That changes everything for me.

"I've never had a friend and I hope that we can be friends." Jeremy said.

"I'd like that" she said with a slight smile

"Let's eat" he said.

Mostly sitting in silence they ate their lunch. With little conversation as the meal was coming to an end she was wanting to walk and swore of the garden.

"Then let's go see the garden." Jeremy said "this is what I do with my free time"