you smell as lovely as my garden.

The garden was beautiful even at night the colors were vibrant. All kinds of flowers and bushes. Arranged with a pattern, it was pleasing to the eyes. It flowed like seamlessly. The path was lined with stones that glowed with the moonlight. She wish she could see it better, her eyes were good at night vision but nothing like a vampires.

"Oh wow you grow such beautiful flowers, how many different kinds?" Violet asked

"You know I lost track about 70 years ago and I just buy more when I see something I like, whether I have it or not." Jeremy continued "music and flowers bring me peace. Our mother having passed many years ago after giving birth to me so having those heathens as my brothers has made me lonely"

"It'll be my pleasure to be your friend" Violet said softly with a sweet smile "and im sorry about your mother. Mine died the same way"

Jeremy just looks down into her eyes and stares with a questioning look but just keeps walking.

"Ms. Violet what is your favorite flower you have seen since you've been in my garden?"

She hadn't expected that question.

"To be completely honest, my eyesight isn't as good as yours so, I'd like to answer the question tomorrow night when I can see the flowers in the daylight." Violet said so tenderly "but with the vision I have now, I'd like to say the roses. I always loved how they didn't close much at night"

"Interesting" was Jeremy's only response. Feeling like she might have said something wrong. She says again "but like I said I hope to see more during the day."

He could smell her nervousness and it kinda turned him on. When they started to pass the tree on their left he grabbed her suddenly pinning her against the tree. Putting his arms on either side of her blocking her.

"I can smell your nervousness and it frankly it's kinda turning me on" Jeremy whispered into her ear "I wonder if your blood taste as sweet as you smell."

Sending shivers down her spine. Her body stiffening again recalling the last time she had been pinned.

She grimaced and looks away.

"Your blood is intoxicating, I've been restraining myself our entire lunch but I can't take it anymore. I have to taste you."

Tensing as he grips her small arms tightly. He licks the space between her neck and shoulder before piercing her skin delicately.

The pain makes her wince. Whimpering a bit she submits to his bite. He draws in deeply. Gulping her down.

"I won't take much, just a taste" he said taking a breathe and then biting back down. She gasps again at the pierce of his fangs once more. Biting her lip to stiffen a scream from the pain. As he drank deeper, taking in as much of her as he can. Pleasure now starting to build in her she moans lowly. It was all so much for her. His grip on her arms becoming the only thing supporting her, he pushes his body into her some more. His cold body made her nipples so hard you could see them poking through her dress. Pain then pleasure. Pain then pleasure. She was getting whiplash from all of it.

Finally letting go he says with almost a pant. "Your blood is like what I picture the hot sun to feel like on my skin, it's absolutely delicious. Licking his lips he leans back up.

She slides to the ground limp from all the physical feelings she experienced in those moments.

Before she could process her feelings about what just happened Riley walks up.