your pain is delicious

"I see you finally had a taste of our sweet Violet" said riley. "Did she taste as good as I said"

"Better" Jeremy replied.

"Well I will take my turn again now that you're done. If you don't mind of course?" Riley asked as curtesy he was gonna take her regardless.

"Fine, just don't damage her more, you and Oliver took a lot last night and I just took some" Jeremy replied with no real care or concern for her safety or wellbeing "we don't want her dead before we can breed her. I'd hate to spend the rest of my life alone with you."

"Ha you're not wrong Brother. I'll go easy on her this time" Riley said picking her up off the ground throwing her over his shoulder. "Ill take good care of her I promise" he said crossing his heart he turned leaving the garden to head back to the manor.

"Don't worry little mouse you'll get used to it. Even learn to love it."

"Please don't" violet begged with a whisper "It was so painful"

"That's one of my favorite things about you" he said with evil tone "your fear and pain makes you smell and taste so much better"

Going up the stairs this time he brings her to his room. Closing the door and locking it. Throws her onto the bed. Bouncing he pounced on to her leaning on top of her. "You will be my favorite play thing. I will play with you everyday for the rest of your life" growling he lifts up her dress over her face and then rips off her panties. She cries loudly, " please don't hurt me!"

"Scream again"

She goes to open her mouth to scream when the air is sucked from her lungs as he plunged his fangs into her inner thigh. He could smell her juices. Drinking from between her legs she tries to push his head back but he grabs her hands holding them both in his one.

The pain was burning her. He was being so rough, biting so hard.

He uses his other hand to caress her thigh and then groping her ass.

"We said we'd wait to fuck you as a group for your first time, but I'm finding that so hard."

"What" she yelled hearing that panic filled her heart, mind and body.

"Oh did that scare you? The idea of all 5 of us fucking you. And drinking from you. Placing are seed in you."

She was shaking as he breathed on her open bite wound inhaling the smell of her fear he continued.

"Only reason we haven't yet is because we are preparing your body to handle so much blood being drank without you dying." But once you can replenish your blood moments from being drained all of us are going to fuck you until you can't take anymore and then fuck you again."

She tried to escape when he stood up to take off his pants.

"Oh I don't think so little mouse, if I can't drink more of your blood I'll take your virginity" he grabs her foot and drags her to the edge of the bed, dropping his pants he strokes his long hard cock.

"Put your mouth on it"


"I said put your mouth on it" grabbing her head he pulls her to his dick.

"Open your mouth"

"No I don't want to please don't make me" she cries begging him.

"I love hearing you beg it makes me throb." His voice layered in lust "now be a good little mouse and open your fucking mouth"

Violet kept pushing his dick from her face.

Grabbing a fist full of hair "I said open your mouth you stupid bitch".

Violet tries to turn her head away but he holds her head and starts to slap her face with his cock.

"Fucking suck it"

She continued to refuse. So he smacks her across the face making her fall to the side.

"Open your mouth or I'll fuck you instead"

And then a second later the door gets kicked in.