Alexander stakes his claim

"Riley get your disgusting hands off her before I kill you." Alexander said walking through the broken doorway. "I told you in the office she was mine. She belonged to me."

"And I told you carrot top I don't care, she's the Maiden she belongs to us." We will all fuck her and breed with her. We will have more Pure Bloods because she will give us more." Riley yelled back.

Violet shaking in the corner of the bed farthest away from two fighting vampires.

"What did he do to you." Alexander growled.

Violet just shook her head and sobbed in fetal position. Terrified to move.

Alexander charges Riley taking him to the ground, they begin to fight. Alexander's fangs extend as he slams fist after fist into Riley's face.

"You unworthy piece of shit don't fucking touch her."

Alexander was defending her. But for what cause? Certainly not for care and consideration of her.

After a solid 2 minutes of a solid beat down Riley just laid there laughing.

Actually laughing. He was a psychopath!

Gabriel walked in.

"That's enough you two, you look like children fighting over who gets the last cookie." Gabriel said with a look of disgust and disappointment. "Riley you will keep your hands and dick off her until she is ready. If you touch her before it's time, I will personally nail you to a steak out front, and wait for the sun to rise and watch it burn you to a crisp."

Alexander just stood up and looked at Gabriel

"You guys are animals"

"Then what does that make you dear brother? A beast?" Gabriel said "pick her up and take her out of here and get her cleaned up she smells like shame and fear and it reeks" he then leaves the room.

Alexander comes over to Violet and picks her up. Holding her in his arms, she just silently weeps listening to the sound of his heart beating. "Let's go, you're okay now" she couldn't muscle any strength to reject or accept so she just surrendered to him turning into pudding in his arms.