I’ll really kill him

Her and Alexander laid there together after having the best night of her life. She had never felt more safe and secure. He was so big compared to her small frame. They had slept all night in each others arms. Today was going to be her first day back to school. So Alexander left after greeting her with a kiss. I'll be back to get you so we can go to school together.

She nodded and smiled. Alexander left to go get ready for school and give her time to also get ready. She liked he respected her privacy. He made her feel like a real person not just an object.

She heads into the bathroom and steps into the shower while washing her hair she hears to door shut. Thinking it's Alexander she calls out "I'm in the shower be right out."

But then a shadow appeared behind her and when she looked back she dropped her sponge. It wasn't Alexander.

It was Riley.

She screams as loud as she can. He jerks forward pushing her against the shower wall covering her hand with his mouth. "Now now little mouse I've waited all day for that orange haired little shit to leave so I can have another chance at your lovely pussy" his tongue like a snake his word like poison when whispered them to her. She tries to push him off her mouth when he slides his finger between her legs. The sudden touch of his cold finger pushing inside her warm wet inside made her jerk forward and shudder. Her body was recoiling at his touch. "Come on little mouse you know you like it when I touch you here, just enjoy it you know what's coming."

She sobs know what was about to happen and quits fighting dropping her arms.

And that's when Alexander bursts into the bathroom grabbing Riley's hair ripping him off her. He throws Riley into the wall cracking it. By Violets next blink Alexander had Riley by the throat "if you touch her again outside the full moon ceremony I will personally rip your throat out with my own fangs." Alexander's eyes burned with fury his words had a threat he had every intention of keeping.

Shoving his head into the wall one more time before throwing him to the ground. "Get the fuck out you nasty piece of shit and don't fucking touch her again or your dead"

Riley got up and didn't look back. But Violet doesn't think this is the last time.

But she is relieved. Alexander stopped him. He did something to protect her.

"I'm sorry that took so long, I went and asked Gabriel about what I could do about Riley. And he said he doesn't care you belongs to all of us so that means I can also stop him from touching you on every night of the full moon." Alexander said. Feeling so excited about that she jumped naked and wet into his arms. "I'm so happy I could kiss you!".

Then Alexander dove in for a kiss and she gladly accepted it. Taking off his pants he pushes his length against her stepping back into the shower. He hoisters her up and she wraps her legs around him. Pushing her into the wallet. Her hands on his cheeks she is feeding on his mouth. His tongue went deep into her mouth and she groaned with delight. He slides his cock inside her and she sucks in a deep breath sliding her hands from his face to the back of his head and gripping his hair. This turned him on more so he pulled back with her and then slams into her and her into the wall again. He pulls back a little and then he slams again. Moaning loudly from his throbbing length filling all the space she had inside her. It was utter bliss. He was the best thing she ever felt. They both just wanted more. He fucked her good before school. It was all he could don't sink his teeth into her breast.