the library

After the shower Alexander patiently waits for Violet to dress. We moved to her bed while she dressed in closet continue to give her privacy.

They walk back to Alexander's room to get a change of clothes with no blood on them. Before heading down stairs to go to school. He gives her one good kiss making her go weak at the knees. He tasted so good.

All four head to the car and go to school.

The first half of the day she was with Oliver and just like last time. Made sure to stake his claim.

"As you can all see my lovely lady here is back by my side. Remember what I said about touching what's mine." He said with authority flashing his fangs.

This made the class shrink back as having been checked by there status as common blood or true blood.

She may be human but she was the Maiden. A pure blood and the property of the Princes of vampires.

Oliver dragged her their seat by her wrist and then positioned her on his lap.

Just having her on his lap turned him on he couldn't control his bodies reaction to her. It was intense. It took all he had to not drink from her and bend her over this table and fuck her in front of the whole class. Thinking about that made his dick hard. And when she felt it throb she squeaked jumping from the sudden poke under her skirt.

A group of wolves watched closely as the vampire prince obsessed over her.

They had to have know why and they were determined to find out.

After the first three classes were over it was lunch time. A three went with her to the lunch room and sat in same seats as last time. Except they all sat closer to her. The other vampire girls noticed the closeness they'd all gotten to her. Upset about ruining their chances at being with one of the 3 at school. Lunch came and went with no problems her in the second half of the day she had 3 more classes one alone with other half breeds and humans closely related to the half breeds. It was an elective class where she was able to spend time in her favorite place. A library. Finding a good book she found a spot by a window in the back where she could read peacefully undisturbed. Or so she thought.