Beyond the Hearts

Haru: Wait for me, Akani. 

Time suddenly stopped. 

Haru: What is this... why is everything frozen like this... are you okay, Akani? 

Ryo appears in front of Haru. 

Haru: What's going on, Ryo? 

Ryo: Nothing... it seems like you're enjoying your time here, aren't you? 

Haru: N-No, it's not like that... I learned how to use my aura, look... Haru puts his hand on his heart and tries to gather his strength, but nothing happened. 

Haru: W-Wait, it will work, it just worked. 

Haru puts his hand on his heart again. 

Ryo: It's okay, young man, it's okay. You're tense, aren't you? 

Haru: Y-Yes, I didn't expect to see you. 

Ryo: Do you know that you're hindering us like this... Mino and his group were with us. 

Haru: I'm sorry, I really didn't know that... if I had known, there wouldn't have been any losses. 

Ryo: I'll forgive you this time, but... 

Ryo smiles with a scary smile, does your tension indicate...? 

Ryo looks at Akani. 

Haru: Mr. Ryo... Mr. Ryo, no, she's just helping me to become stronger. 

Ryo teleports next to Akani and directs his hand towards her neck. 

Haru runs towards them quickly. 

Akani's head flies. 

Haru: Nooo! 

Akani: Why are you staring at the ground, Haru? 

Haru: Akani!!! Damn it, another vision haunted me... I thought it was just haunting me in my dreams. 

Akani: Your condition is really strange... anyway, let's go eat. 

Haru: Yes, you're right. 

Akani reaches towards the house. 

Haru looks at his hand and places it on his heart, takes a deep breath, then stifles it, and his aura appears: Wonderful, it was just a vision, that's it. 

Akani hits Haru on the head: Didn't I tell you it's time to rest? 

Haru: Sorry, sorry... that vision affected my confidence. 

Inside Akani's house. 

Haru: The food looks delicious, but... is it related to your magic or are you really a vegetarian? 

Akani: The first meal of the day should be light, there are still more exercises to do. 

Haru: Great. Will I use the aura again? 

Akani: No. For your level, you'll train with the aura in the morning only, and for the rest of the day, you'll have physical exercises... it's your strength point in your previous life, isn't it? 

Haru: Yes, of course. (Getting up from the couch was my only physical training.) 

In the forest. 

Akani jumps on a tall tree. Come on, give me the sword so you can run at full speed. 

Haru: Alright. 

Haru tries to throw the sword, but it falls in front of him. 

Akani: Use some force in the throw. 

Haru: Yes, yes, I was calculating the distance. 

Haru repeats the process, and the sword hits the tree. 

Akani came down, grabbed the sword, and jumped back up. 

Haru: Yes, I thought about that too. 

Akani: Ready... go. 

Haru runs at full speed: Alright, it's okay, I can keep this up for an hour like this... 

The plants start to obstruct his path, and the ground shakes beneath him. 

Haru falls to the ground. 

Haru: You should have warned me at least. 

Akani: If you stop, the plants will kick you. 

Haru: Alright, that was a good warning. 

Haru got up and continued running. 

A rock suddenly rised in front of his foot, causing him to fall again. 

Akani: Come on, faster. 

Haru continued to fall repeatedly but kept getting up. 

Akani on top of a tall tree: (Is he really bad or am I being too harsh on him... anyway, I'll continue until he improves.) 

After an hour. 

Haru falls to the ground. 

Akani: Alright, that's enough for today. 

Both Haru and Akani return to the house. 

Haru: Your house is in a very good location... it seems perfect for you. 

Akani: Yes, it was perfect for us indeed. 

Haru: As if the entire forest belonged to you. 

Akani laughs: As if the entire forest belonged to us. 

Both Haru and Akani enter the house. 

Akani: You can take a shower while I prepare the food. 

Haru: (Thinking about it since I came here, I forgot there was something called taking a shower.) 

Haru entered the bathroom. 

Haru looked in the mirror: Am I getting taller, or do I feel like I'm getting wider... and I feel like my body has become bigger overall... even the abs are visible and they're big... this is great. 

Haru tried to see his back in the mirror. 

Akani opened the door. 

Haru startled and hid his body with his clothes: What are you doing, Akani? 

Akani: I thought you were already taking a shower... you didn't take the clothes you're going to wear. 

Haru: Okay, you can leave them. 

Akani left the clothes and exited, closing the door. 

Haru: That was very embarrassing. 

Haru looked at the clothes: Are they even in my size? Anyway, I'll take a shower first. 

Akani: Are you done? The food is getting cold, trainee. 

Haru: I appreciate that it's your house, but can I have some privacy? 

Akani: You're the one who's losing... the food is tastier when it's hot. 

Haru: Alright, I know... (Wait, this reminds me a little of my family... I miss them so much... I didn't think how they will react when they know that I'm dead... I mean, what am I talking about, they'll definitely be sad... or maybe it's better for them this way. 

They were spending too much money on me anyway, weren't they? And they were worried about me all the time... maybe this will relieve them of the burden.) 

Akani: The food will get cold, trainee. 

Haru: Alright, alright... (I don't mind cold food anyway... it's not like I've been eating like this for a long time.) 

Haru says softly: It's not like I've been eating like this for a long time. 

Akani: Did you say something? 

Haru: Yes, I said that you're the best trainer I've ever seen. 

Akani: Sorry, trainee... you need to get ready; you still have one more training for today. 

Haru: Okay, trainer... wait, what? Three training sessions in one day!... Are you preparing me for some tournament?