What Can't Be Avoided Can't Be Changed

Haru: Did you notice any difference in your appearance here and your appearance in your previous life? 

Akani: Did you really remember your appearance in your previous life? 

Haru: Yes, of course... I mean, I lived with it for more than twenty years, so I will definitely remember it. 

Akani: Maybe I remembered it at first, but soon I forgot it when I looked at my appearance here. 

Haru: So that's it. 

Akani: Did you like the food? 

Haru: Yes... I don't know why, but I expected the food here to be very bad. 

Akani: It is indeed, but I'm a skilled cook. 

Haru: What kind of meat was it? 

Akani: They're all similar here, maybe it was ogre or something similar. 

Haru: O-Ogre?... Haru tries to vomit. 

Akani grabs Haru's arms: What are you doing, you fool... you said it was delicious. 

Haru: Yes, but... ogre? Did you really just feed me ogre? 

Akani: What did you expect to eat here... lamb or something similar? 

Haru: What's the difference between us and the ogres in this case? 

Akani: And what's the difference between us and the predatory animals anyway? 

Akani pushes Haru: You just have to live with it... that's what everyone does, even if their lives don't mean anything. 

Haru calms down: Maybe you're right... but I won't eat it again, I'll become a vegetarian or something like that. 

Akani: Anyway... get ready, we're going to the city. 

Haru: What are we going to do there? 

Akani: Nothing really... I just go... sitting here is too boring. 

Haru: Okay. 

Haru grabs his sword 

Akani: You reminded me. 

Akani makes a sheath out of plants and rocks and wraps the sword in it. 

Akani: Shawn was one of the most famous criminals, and he was in the Black Pyramid Guild. Many will recognize his sword... Wait, about this, you didn't tell me how they recruited you into the guild. 

Haru: I was recruited by a person named Ryo. 

Akani: He must have had high authority to recruit you. 

Haru: Yes, he seemed very powerful indeed... he used lightning magic. 

Akani: A person who uses lightning magic and his name is Ryo... I must have heard of him before, but I don't remember anything distinctive for now. 

Akani: But why did he recruit you? 

Haru: He learned that I caused Shawn's death... or maybe he thought I killed him alone. 

Akani: Didn't he get mad at you? 

Haru: I remember he was laughing. 

Akani: Well, that should worry you at least, but you still agreed to join. 

Haru: I had no other choice... I expected he would kill me if I refused to join. 

Akani: Then the Black Pyramid is a bunch of lunatics as I thought. 

Haru: It's okay, I'll be the only one who keeps his mind among them. 

Akani laughs: I hope so. 

(In the city) 

Akani sits in the same place where she met Haru. 

Haru: So, is this your favorite spot? 

Akani: Yeah... actually, this is where I first met my old friend. 

Haru: I'm sorry for reminding you of your friend (he must have been more than just a friend; she must have loved him). 

Akani: It's okay, we can't change the past anyway, can we? 

Haru: Yes... or who knows... we didn't expect to have another life, did we? 

Akani: That was my belief, but not like this. 

Haru: Was your previous life better or worse than this? 

Akani: It was just different... I mean, this world isn't much different from ours anyway... even with magic and new races... the strong still dominate... and the weak have nothing to do but obey orders or escape if they can. 

Haru: Was your previous life really that boring? 

Akani: Yes... I changed only with my presence here. 

Haru: (What a bleak world... even more than I imagined). 

Akani: The first person you met here was someone trying to kill you, wasn't it? 

Haru laughs: Yeah, I almost forgot... maybe because I met you and Leia, hope returned to me for this world. 

Akani: Well, I'm glad to be a hope for someone else... what about you? Didn't you think there might be another life after the first life? 

Haru rubs his chin: Actually, thinking about it...I guess I didn't think about it beyond that... I was busy with my current life... actually, I was busy with the moment I was in (Or busy doing nothing). 

Akani: That's not bad... it's better than regretting the past that you can't change, or delving into the future that you don't know, isn't it? 

Haru: You're very wise, Akani... how old were you in your previous life? 

Akani: I was in my early thirties or something like that. 

Haru: Did you get married? 

Akani: No. 

Haru: That's very strange. 

Akani: Not exactly, things were different at that time... I refused the idea of marriage, and all I thought about was work and making money... but in the end, I got a boring job and didn't make much. 

Haru: What a tragedy... at least you're strong in this world. 

Akani laughs: You haven't seen anything about strength yet... there are people like monsters here... they can blast whoever they want in the blink of an eye. 

Haru stands up: Okay... I'll consider it a motivation for the third training of the day. 

Akani: I was going to postpone it as much as possible because it's your first day... but in this case, let's return to the forest. 

Haru: I'm very excited, let's go. 

Haru steps back and bumps into someone. 

Haru: Sorry. 

The person pushes him back as well. 

Akira: Watch your steps, you rat. 

Haru: You don't have to be rude, I didn't mean to bump into you. 

Akira draws his sword: Who did you call rude? 

Haru grabs his sword: You're not the only one who owns a sword. 

Akani: Haru, don't. 

Both Akira and Haru fall to the ground. 

Haru looks at the foot of someone standing between him and Akira. 

Haru: (I can't raise my head any higher than that... I can't even move, who is this person?) 

Akira: Y-You'll regret what you did. 

----: Oh really? Will I? 

The man looks at Akira's clothes and sword. 

---: You know that fighting is prohibited here, didn't they tell you that in your guild... you can keep quiet and I won't tell your leader about this. 

The man looks at Haru and then at Akani: I don't blame you because you seem new here, but you should know that fighting is prohibited here... 

Akira begins to stand up gradually. 

---: Wonderful... it seems you train a lot. 

Akira holds himself back and sheaths his sword, then leaves. 

The man puts his hand on Haru's neck and massages it gently: Come on, boy, I didn't hit you that hard. 

Haru: (I didn't even feel the blow from the speed of it). 

Akani starts healing Haru. 

---: I'm sorry, Akani, but rules are rules. 

Akani: It's okay, Keria, you were just doing your job... you can go and finish your work, I'll make sure he's okay. 

Keria: Understood and executed.