the power to destroy the world.

"In the center of Ozrin City"

A bustling street, full of cars, very busy, crowded with people. A person appeared and addressed the people: "Power! If you seek it, you will obtain it through us! Enhancing your abilities, reaching the advanced levels possessed only by the elite of «Ozrin». Register your name with us, 'FOP.' I am the sales representative, Mark. We will only accept the first group of five people."

People started to gather around Mark, and Mark selected some of them to complete the required number.

"Teo was waiting in the traffic jam, riding a motorcycle."

Teo: "Damn those fools. Everyone is chasing power these days. I'll be late for the customer like this."

Teo rode beside Mark, staring at him, and their eyes met. Mark smiled a mocking smile.

Mark addresses the crowd: "Alright, alright, we have gathered the required number. Now, please clear the way so we don't cause any problems."

The people dispersed, and the road returned to normal.

Teo turned his bike onto a side street, his mind wandering with thoughts (Power? What foolishness... People think they can gain power just through some unknown organizations. Power comes with many consequences. Possessing power doesn't mean their lives will improve... I pity these people.)

Teo parked his bike next to a house, took a pizza box from the bike's bag, and rang the bell. ... After a few seconds, he rang the bell again, and a half-drunken man answered.

Man: "St-stop this nonsense!"

The man opened the door: "Who are you?"

Teo: "Pizza delivery guy. Did I get the wrong address?"

The man pointed to a table near the door: "Put the damn pizza here, I'll get your money."

Teo put the box on the table and looked inside the house, finding it messy and full of empty beer bottles.

Teo (What a mess.)

Teo picked up a book from the floor (Children's stories? It smells like beer.)

He closed the book and placed it next to the pizza box.

A child with a glowing blue body appeared in front of Teo: "Did you make Dad angry? Why?"

Teo: "W-what do you mean ? Did I make your dad angry? (This boy isn't normal.)"

The blue aura around the boy intensified.

Teo (This feeling... No, I need to calm him down.)

The man shouted: "Magni! Stop this, boy!"

The boy's aura calmed down as he stepped back: "Sorry, Father."

The boy disappeared into the darkness of a corner of the house.

Man: "Forgive him, he just wants to protect us... like how i tried...."

He handed the money to Teo.

Teo bowed to the man: "I wish you a happy life with your son, sir."

The man smiled: "You seem like a good young man, keep the change."

"The man closed the door forcefully."

Teo (That boy... He was a manifestation of the old man's aura... He has immense power to maintain the child's form. It seemed like he had self-awareness. It seems tragic, but sometimes it's best to leave things as they are to avoid problems.)

Teo put on his helmet, got on the bike, and headed back to the restaurant.

"In The Pizza Restaurant"

Teo entered the restaurant and was greeted by a girl working with him.

Teo: "...Hello... Emma."

Emma: "Teo?! You took your order before me and arrived at the same time. Could it be that you were delibera—"

Teo interrupted her: "Stop making up stories. I got stuck in the nonsense of that group called 'AOD.'"

Emma: "Do you mean 'FOP'?"

Teo: "Whatever, they're very annoying."

Emma: "Despite that, they have made many miracles. Increasing power to a supreme level is difficult these days."

Teo: "What's the point of increasing it anyway? In the end, we live our normal lives without relying on our powers."

Emma: "It's like having a good appearance. The more power and abilities you have, the higher your chances of achieving a higher status in society."

Teo: "That's natural... I mean, it should—"

Emma interrupted him: "Don't you think you're contradicting yourself?"

Teo: "...Yes, whatever... I'm leaving now."

Teo (I don't know why I feel this way... A kind of resentment. Could it be that I was annoyed by Emma's words? She was right, after all, but... I guess I just need some rest.)

Teo entered the manager's office and found him sitting at his desk.

Teo: "H-hello, Mr.Berus."

Berus : "Please, have a seat. Do you need anything?"

Teo continued speaking without sitting: "I just wanted to finish my day early."

Berus : "You seem lucky. We already have an advertising segment with that popular young man called «Alex Rowan» so we will close early today."

Teo : "I'm happy with the restaurant's recent achievements. I wish you continued success."

Berus : "You can leave now, Teo. Take care."

Teo bowed, then left the office (Now I'll change my clothes.)

After Teo left the changing room, he headed to the exit, and Emma called him. Emma: "Teo! Are you busy?"

Teo: "Not really. Do you need something?"

Emma: "Let's take a walk. My way is the same as yours."

Teo (I really want to be alone): "Okay, fine."

"Teo and Emma walked side by side on a quiet street with no one else around.

A few minutes passed after leaving the restaurant."

Teo broke the silence: "So, why didn't you stay for the advertising segment?"

Emma: "Well, why didn't you stay?"

Teo: "My ability doesn't suit them. As you know, they're looking for demonstrations."

Emma brought her fingers together, then pulled them apart, creating a thin thread: "Well, I have the same reason as you. The most I can do is make light threads, sometimes useful for sewing clothes, even light wounds."

Teo: "Hmm, it would have been better if you worked in a surgery clinic."

Emma laughs lightly: "That's impossible, I can't stand the sight of blood....I guess."

Teo (What news): "I see."

Emma: "What about you? as i remember your ability was....something...interesting , right ?"

Teo was silent for a moment, then replied: "I have the power to destroy the world."

Emma laughed, mocking Teo: "Stop joking. I think i know your ability very we---"

Emma suddenly felt a tremendous pressure shaking her from head to toe.

She turned slowly, trembling with fear: "T-Teo...W-what was that?"

A huge red aura surrounded Teo, lighting his eyes red, and the ground began to crack around them. Emma fell, covering her face with her hands, screaming at the top of her voice.

Teo extended his hand to her: "Are you okay?"

Emma slowly removed her hands from her face and looked around, finding the ground intact without a scratch.

Emma: "W-what was that just now?"

Teo helped her up: "Its effect lasts only a few seconds, then everything returns to normal. Anyway, we've reached your house. Mine is still a bit far from here. See you later."

Teo continued walking, leaving Emma behind, trying to compose herself and process what happened.