My Next Target

After dropping Emma off, Teo continued walking until he stopped next to a park where three children were playing.

One of the children: "Isn't that Teo? Let's show him what we learned!"

The children ran, calling out to Teo, and he turned to them.

Teo (I don't have time for this): "Hello, Karl."

Karl: "I've improved my abilities! I can now explode my fireballs, not just launch them."

Teo: "How about you show me this later?"

One of the children, named Lucas, pulled Karl by the shoulder: "He seems a bit tired. Let's ask him later."

Karl: "We've waited a long time. What a disappointment, right, Ariel?"

Ariel addressed Teo: "W-we promise we won't take much time."

Teo looked at the faces of the three children, and one of his old memories from when he was a child flashed through his mind.


Young Teo: "Dad, look at this, I learnt something new!"

His father looked at him with fear: "S-stop using your abilities!"


Teo: "Alright, here I am."

Teo followed them to the park.

Karl: "Watch me closely!"

Karl surrounded his hands with flames and launched them into the sky, causing them to explode like fireworks, followed by smaller fire fragments.

Teo (That's really impressive. It can cause damage over a wide area): "That was good."

Karl punched the air excitedly: "I can't wait! I want to fight a villain and defeat him with this skill! I'll call it... Explosive Flames!"

Teo looked at him disdainfully: "You should lay off the anime and manga a bit; you're becoming cringe. Who's next?"

Lucas: "I'll go next. I've improved my fist abilities. I can control them within a wider range of up to a five-meter radius. Their speed has also increased, and I can enlarge them as well."

Lucas generated a green aura that formed into two fists, which began to grow slightly.

Lucas: "Now!"

Lucas waves his hand, sending the fists flying away from him and then bringing them back quickly.

Teo (Not bad, he can improve further): "Try creating a third fist. It will be a good challenge for you."

Lucas stomped his foot on the ground and stood straight: "Yes, sir!"

Teo: "Now, Ariel, it's your turn."

Ariel: "O-okay!"

Ariel surrounded the park with a transparent white barrier.

Ariel: "I-I've increased the size of the zone. I can expand it even more, but it will reduce its effects. If I shrink it, the effects will increase, weakening the enemy's senses and powers, and the opposite for me or my allies."

Teo (His ability isn't as dangerous as the other two, but it's very useful): "Well done. Try to develop it further; maybe you can reach the point of completely paralyzing the opponent."

Karl: "Wait! You gave instructions to Ariel and Lucas but not to me!"

Teo (Did I really?): "T-that's because... to be honest, you don't need any. Just keep doing what you're doing."

Lucas: "That's not true! If I fought him now, I could match him, maybe even beat him!"

Karl stood proudly: "The expert has spoken, I'm already at a higher level than you two."

Teo: "You've taken up a lot of time. I'll be leaving now."

Karl: "But, but!..."

Teo interrupted him: "Later. The sun is about to set, so everyone should head home."

Teo left, heading towards his home.

Lucas: "Ariel, what do you think about meeting up tomorrow morning to practice our powers more?"

Ariel: "I-I'll try to convince my parents."

Karl: "I'll join you!"


On his way home, Teo started thinking (Even children are seeking power... Everyone is really obsessed with power and abilities "he stares at his right hand" To be honest, I enjoy seeing these children develop.)

"Outside Emma's house"

Emma approached to open the door, holding a bag full of sodas.

Emma (That rascal, he really scared me.)

She opened the door and put the bag on the couch. A girl came out of the bathroom.

-: "Sister, you're finally back?"

Emma jumped: "Janet?! "gasps deeply, then exhales" I thought you wouldn't return soon. Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?"

Janet: "I tried calling you, but your phone was off."

Emma: "It's okay. But did you cause any trouble there?"

Janet: "What? No, don't worry. I got into a fight with a girl and she beat me. It was a friendly match, but I got seriously injured, so the nurse allowed me a three-day break."

Emma: "That doesn't sound pleasant. It's good I didn't attend 'BS' (Bright Horizon) School. I don't think I'm cut out for it anyway."

Janet: "So, what are your work hours?"

Emma: "I wake up at sunrise and get ready for work, as usual."

Janet: "Haven't you learned anything new?"

Emma: "I'm just trying to survive. What do you mean by that?"

Janet giggled: "Forgive me, sister. I'm just joking with you... By the way, is your colleague Teo still working with you?"

Emma: "Yes, as far as I remember, he's your age, isn't he?"

Janet: "Yes, it's been a long time since I last saw him. He was quite the trickster. Send him my regards when you see him."

Emma smiled mischievously: "Do you have feelings for him?"

Janet: "No, silly sister! We used to be friends in the past. But now, I don't think I would even want to talk to him."

Emma opened a juice can: "Alright then. You can drink these sodas, but don't drink them all, of course! I'm going to the bathroom to get ready for bed."

Janet: "That's really quick. It's like you're a machine."

Emma: "Just a few years and you'll become one of the gears beside me." "finishes her juice can" "Now I'm off. You'll find ramen cups in the fridge if you get hungry."

"Teo's house"

Teo opened the door and entered. He took off his coat and hung it up, then went to check the kitchen and found his mother.

Teo's mother: "Teo, you're back early today. Is everything okay?"

Teo: "Yes, it's just... there was an advertising segment, so the restaurant closed early."

Teo's mother: "I'm happy you returned safely. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes."

Teo: "Thank you. I'll take a quick bath."

"In the bathroom"

Teo sat in the tub, staring at the ceiling: "I feel so exhausted... Should I go to work tomorrow?"

"After Teo left the bathroom"

Teo's mother: "Dinner is ready."

Teo, drying his hair: "I'm coming."


Teo sat at the dinner table: "Thank you for your efforts, it looks delicious."

Teo's mother turned on the TV to the news channel.

News anchor: "Again, another victim from the high school students. A student named (Rabu Quinn) was found with his body mutilated and full of deep wounds. According to police investigations, the perpetrator likely wields a sharp katana sword. So, please be cautious of anyone carrying such a sword."

Teo: "As if it's normal for someone to walk around the streets carrying a sword."

Teo's mother: "The news gets worse day by day... Be careful, Teo."

Teo: "Don't worry, Mom. I'm not a student, and no one would want to kill me anyway."

-: "Even so, be careful... You're not as strong as your father to defend yourself."

Teo slammed his hand on the table, spilling the soup: "...Forgive me for this, but that's exactly why no one will care about targeting a teenager like me."

Teo stood up and headed to his room: "Thank you for the food, it was very delicious." "closed his room door"

-: "But you didn't even touch it."

"Teo's room"

Teo lieid on his bed (Maybe I will go to work tomorrow... I'll try to be earlier than usual. I need to keep my mind occupied with some useful things.) Teo closes his eyes.


On top of one of the buildings in the neighborhood where Teo lived, a person stood wielding a sword: "According to the information... my next target will be here. All I have to do is wait."