The Masked

"Next morning at Emma's house"

Emma woke up because of some noise in the house.

Emma: "For God's sake, Janet... Are you up now?"

Emma got out of her bed and went to the living room, finding Janet on her way out.

Emma, yawning: "Where are you going at this time?"

Janet: "Oh, good morning, sister. I'm going to continue reading a novel I recently started called 'The Flame Within.' I recommend it. Oh, and then I'll go for a run in the park. I need to stay fit to return stronger. My goal is to become stronger than I was before this short break."

Emma: "I see. I'll get ready for work too."

Janet: "I thought you wake up at sunrise, as you said before."

Emma ignored her: "Whatever, go now."

Janet laughed softly: "Okay, see you later, sister."

Janet opened the door and leaves.


"Teo's house"

Teo stood in his room, staring out the window (I couldn't sleep at all... Maybe I have insomnia). He left his room, put on his coat, and exited the house.

"Karl, Ariel, and Lucas are training in the park."

Karl threw many fireballs into the air and explodes them, while Lucas tried to form a third fist.

Ariel, trying to expand his barrier: "I can't... No matter how hard I try, it's really difficult."

Lucas, deactivating his ability: "Even I need a lot of time to increase my control over my aura."

Karl, laughing proudly: "Weaklings, I am Karl, the leader, as I am the strongest among us!"

Lucas: "Who said you're the strongest? You're at the same level as me. Besides, Ariel and I were supposed to train now, so why are you here?"

Karl: "To check on the progress of my followers, of course!"

Lucas: "Enough of your role-playing games, it's not fun."

While Karl and Lucas argued, Ariel pointed to Janet, who entered the park jogging to warm up.

Ariel: "I-isn't that Janet?"

The three boys' eyes lit up, and they rushed towards her.

Lucas and Karl screamed in unison: "The queen has returned!"

Janet, surprised, tied up Lucas and Karl with her threads.

Janet: "What are you two doing? And what do you mean by queen?"

Ariel, standing shyly in front of Janet: "H-how are you?"

Janet: "Ariel, I'm fine. What about you? What are you doing at this time?"

Ariel blushed: "I-I'm fi—"

Karl: "Can you untie us?"

The threads holding Lucas and Karl disappeared, and they fell to the ground.

Janet: "Aren't you going to school?"

Lucas: "We're training to use our powers. As for school, today is Saturday."

Janet "I completely forgot": "Okay, don't make too much noise, and I can help you later. Now, exercise your bodies instead of your powers."

Karl: "What's the point of physical exercise when we have great abilities?"

Janet: "To reach higher levels with your ability, you must also train your body. Remember this."

Lucas: "So that's why Ariel and I are struggling to improve our level!"

Ariel: "S-so with exercises, we'll be able to control our powers better."

Janet: "Exactly. In the end, you can't keep a blazing flame in a wooden box. The box will burn and become useless ashes."

Silence prevailed for a few seconds as Lucas and Karl exchanged glances.

Ariel: "That makes sense!"

Lucas and Karl in unison: "Did you get that?"

Janet: "I'm really happy you guys still gather here, but I need to finish something quickly and will return to train with you. Agreed—"

A masked person jumped, holding a katana in his right hand.

Janet moved the children behind her.

Masked man: "Janet from 'BH,' pleased to meet you, though this meeting won't last more than a few seconds."

He rushed at her with his sword aiming for her neck, but she dodged at the last moment, leaving a small cut on her neck.

Janet: "Run!"

The masked man prepared for his next attack but got entangled in Janet's threads. The threads tightened around his body, and he surrounded himself with a purple aura, freeing himself from the threads. He charged again, swinging his sword left and right, not giving Janet any chance to use her threads until he got close to her.

Janet (He's so fast!)

Janet dodged the swinging sword but gets a deep cut on her shoulder. She hel her shoulder in pain, waiting for the final blow to decapitate her, but Lucas's flying fist hit the masked man's side, making him turn to Lucas.

Lucas (M-my body is trembling... Why did I do that? I-I'm scared)

Ariel surrounded the park with his transparent white barrier.

Ariel said while his knees are shaking: "T-this person... He's bad, right? W-we'll protect you!"

Karl, trembling with fear (You fools, we should have run away... She's strong enough to handle him, what are you doing?!)

Masked man: "If you weren't here, you would have grown and gained great wings. But unfortunately... I don't leave any witnesses."

Janet, holding her wound and bleeding profusely (If only I had my alarm device... W-what should I do now? Why is he targeting me in the first place? Am I really going to die like the news stories? N-no, you're the older one here, you must act to save the children... Responsibility... I bear it now.)

Janet kneeled: "I-if you want to kill me... do it... but don't hurt them, please."

Ariel stepped forward, standing in the way between Janet and the masked man.

Masked man: "Alright... then die together."

He swung his sword powerfully, releasing a cutting purple wave towards them. Lucas's fists moved quickly, pushing them out of the way of the strike. The wave hit a tree, cutting it down.

Lucas shouted: "There's no point in surrendering now! We're at risk of being killed anyway, so let's at least fight. Maybe we can survive!"

Karl fired two fireballs at the masked man, then they exploded into small pieces like fireworks, causing many small explosions around him. Ariel jumped towards him, using the distraction to try to kick him in the face, but the masked man blocked the kick with his wrist.

Ariel (He's still strong even with my field's effect.)

The masked man swung his sword from bottom to top, attacking Ariel, but Lucas's fists moved and pulled Ariel by the shoulders away from the attack.

Janet (My chance!)

Five threads shot out from Janet's fingers like cutting claws towards the masked man. He surrounded his sword with the purple aura and clashed with Janet's sharp threads, causing sparks to fly from the collision.

Masked man, trying to fend off Janet's cutting threads (She's not bad, but this field weakens my strength.)

Karl fired another fireball, seizing the moment when the masked man is clashing with the threads. The masked man dodged the threads, then cuts the fireball, stopping it. He leaped towards Ariel, delivering a fatal stab to him.

Lucas (I won't be able to pull him in time!)

Lucas tried to stop him with his fists, but the masked man cuts them in a split second, continuing his attack on Ariel, stabbing him in the heart.