Knock on his door.

Someone, without reason, began to tell the story of Xu Jingxi's talent.

"Isn't Brother Jingxi from the economics department at Harvard? Isn't that right? Later, he went to trade gold and Euros on the exchange."

No one knew Xu Jingxi's affairs; the Xu family kept everything about Xu Jingxi a closely guarded secret, and no one dared to inquire directly to his face.

Even Liang Wenye didn't know, so who else could be clear?

Through the 4K projector, crisp and captivating movie scenes flickered—it was this year's Chinese New Year hit. Liang Wenye had connections to get the uncut original CD of the film.

The light dims and the interior is designed with all-glass elegance. The male and female leads are kissing inside a cable car after dealing with the antagonist. No one bothered to look; it played lonely, complementing the night.

A group of people were more interested in watching international football matches.



The movie was for her to watch.