Next time I'll take you to Koh Samui.


Her bending motion brought their bodies unwittingly close together.

Xu Jingxi indifferently drew on his cigarette, his gaze resting on her face, scrutinizing and savoring the view.

The smoke blurred his eyes, mirroring the blandness that seemed to emanate from the taste of the cigarette at his fingertips.

The fainter his smile became, the more dazzling it was, making Leh Ying's heartbeat race. She wanted to flee yet appeared reluctant to leave.

Her pale fingers, pressed against the collar of Xu Jingxi's bathrobe, hesitated for a moment before stilling completely.

Stealthily, she exhaled, "Sorry for intruding. I was just helping you straighten your clothes."

Xu Jingxi removed the cigarette, extended his long arm to the ashtray on the bedside table to tap off the ash, then turned back, his gaze meeting Leh Ying's squarely, their noses almost grazing each other.

She lowered her head in panic once more, and Xu Jingxi chuckled softly, "How much do you make in a day?"