How are you feeling tonight, does it hurt?

The call was terminated.

Leh Ying boarded the plane, not daring to confirm that Xu Jingxi would really come.

She had little confidence in Xu Jingxi's compliant temperament.

Three hours became a torment, yet she knew, if she didn't seek out Xu Jingxi, he would not come looking for her.

When it came to drinking tea, there were plenty of people who could brew it for him, who understood his preferences, and who could heat the water to exactly 89 degrees to accompany him for a chat.

She wasn't the only one in the world who knew how to make tea.

She put on an eye mask and fell asleep.

"Your blanket has fallen," the man sitting next to her softly spoke up.

Having purchased an economy class seat, Leh Ying took off her eye mask and turned to look. It was a young man, with a pair of pure black Sony headphones around his neck.

Noticing that half of her blanket was trailing on the floor, Leh Ying bent down to pick it up, "Thank you."