Yingying, is it okay to not attend class?

The private room corridor was long, and wanting to wash her hands, she pulled Xu Jingxi into the restroom.

She couldn't figure out how to turn on the faucet, it was neither sensor-activated nor manual. The gold faucet from Montecarlo, she couldn't find the switch.

It was a design for anyone but humans, aside from looking pretty it was quite useless, yet this costly faucet cost her half a year's salary.

"Sir, could you help me turn on the faucet?"

Xu Jingxi, who had been leaning against the door frame, smiled knowingly, closed the door, and bent down from behind her, his long fingers pressing the crystal button on the body of the faucet.

The sound of running water filled the small space, and their reflections in the mirror looked like a wedding photo from the 70s. He was dignified and refined in his suit, while she cast sultry glances, her eyes brimming with untellable secrets and charm.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and smirked into the mirror, "Do we make a good match?"