Enough, Leh Ying




When he called her Yingying, his voice wasn't the deep masculinity every man should have, but a tantalizing inflection, playfully light at the end of each phrase, slowly drawled out.

Leh Ying stayed silent for a long time, while the person beside her calmly snuffed out the half-smoked cigarette. It was already out, but he kept pinching it, still exuding a carefree, daredevil flair.

She leaned over the console to gently bite Xu Jingxi's neck, leaving her teeth mark with satisfaction.

With someone like Xu Jingxi, a halfway decent life was gradually veering off course. It was somewhat falling apart with him. You say, how could one ever resist missing every moment with him, how could one ever resist missing out on a dream unfazed amidst the hustle and bustle of Forty-Nine City.

"Drive, Mr. Xu."

"I must be at school by 10 a.m. tomorrow; you can afford the compensation for being an hour late, can't you," she said.