Met, left?

I don't know if it's appropriate or not.

But it seems shady, that's my intuition.

Leh Ying took off her volunteer badge, packed it up, and stuffed it into Meng Xiuyuan's arms, "Tingting, let's go back. We have humanities classes in the afternoon."

Just as she turned around, Ke Chengyin came over, twisting a mineral water bottle, no longer wearing Sony headphones around his neck but a towel for wiping sweat, in a tank top, looking quite muscular, freshly exercised, and slightly tanner than when on the plane—his skin wasn't as white as it was then.

"Leaving already?" Ke Chengyin asked.

Leh Ying nodded politely, "Yes, I'm afraid of being late for class."

Ke Chengyin lifted the scarf from around his neck to wipe his sweat and draped a thin sun-protective coat over his shoulders, "Let me walk you out."

Leh Ying waved her hand, saying goodbye, "No need, you still have things to take care of."

"You don't remember me," he said, smiling and pressing on.