Yingying, what is 185?

Lying like this, she stiffened and dared not move at all, quite worried that Xu Jingxi would suddenly wake up... and bully her.

That day, Li Ting was almost crazed in her search for her, but in reality, she had been obedient for years, always returning to the apartment before 11 p.m., and weekends were spent either at internships or in 798. Waking up and attending classes on time, without a single day's exception.

Leh Ying glanced at the man sleeping lightly beside her, picked up her mobile phone from the nightstand, and tiptoed out the door, only then did she answer after closing it.

At a glance, Li Ting could tell she was in a hotel, and after sizing up the situation, her eyes narrowed with a sly glint, "Is this the reason you've disappeared, who are you with?"

"A guy," Leh Ying put her phone down on the bar and took a drink of water.

Li Ting's eyebrows twitched, and she struggled to find the man in the camera frame: "Where is that man then?"