There's a taste I can't describe

Leh Ying contemplated for a few seconds before replying, "I'll get it myself."

She knew Mr. Xu was easy to talk to.

This agreeableness extended to material aspects as well.

She asked Xiao Li to drive to Art Material Street, where she had ordered pigments for pickup today, and luckily, the shop owner kept the store open for her.

What she needed was a Maimeri oil paint box.

The owner pressed some buttons on the computer: "I'll charge you 40,000 yuan, let's round it off."

Xiao Li silently listened to the price quoted by the owner, a whole 40,000 yuan for such a small amount of painting materials.

She also watched Leh Ying pay over 10,000 yuan for just two pencils, Faber-Castell.

In Xiao Li's memory, she was always hardworking and eager to earn money, but it turned out that she spent it all on art supplies.