I like the way he looks when he's in decline.

"I've just asked today," Xu Jingxi said, sticking to his usual unruffled manner, speaking nonsense.

The noble didn't question him further; instead, he asked with kindness, "Are you in a hurry to leave?"

The second game of chess began.

Xu Jingxi moved on his phone, sent a text message, and then indicated to the other party, "No rush, Uncle Zhou is treating."

Leh Ying carried two cups of tea, circled around the tea table, and knelt on the padded mat, arranging the settings in turns.

Da Gui picked up the tea cup, stirred the tea foam with the lid, not in a hurry to sip, "Why don't you listen to your father? At your age, it's the perfect time to enter the civil service."

After setting up the chess pieces, Xu Jingxi replied with composure, "I am not talented; if I don't like it, I won't choose it."