Do you still call me an animal?

It was four in the morning.

Xu Jingxi was like a restless ancestor, never comfortable unless he wore her out.

Just at this moment.

The waitress received Leh Ying's call and delivered freshly squeezed pear juice to quench her thirst.

The crystal lamps in the hall suddenly blazed bright.

Thus, as the waitress set down the tray and looked up, she witnessed the most feverishly embarrassing scene of her life.

Xu Jingxi, with a cigarette dangling from his lips and his upper body bare, exuded a vigorous aura as he emerged from the bedroom around the corner, with his abdominal muscles indented into the waistband of his trousers... the bulge there...

From the partially closed bedroom door nearby came the quiet sobbing of a young girl.

One could imagine what had transpired here before.

And yet the man had not fully 'liberated' himself.