Grace (6)

Leh Yaolin spoke with deep sincerity, "You, oh you."

"Excited and got up early."

"If you still want to go to SAIC, remember to apply on time," Principal Leh started to remind her again, "You don't need to take part-time jobs for the money. Do whatever you want to do, understand? Whether it's your future or your dreams, your dad will support you."

She couldn't recall how many times Principal Leh had mentioned SAIC, but whether it was her future or her dreams, she wanted them both.

She had already received a substantial sum, which was the divided profits from the first exhibition at the art gallery.

The opportunity to apply for SAIC this year had already passed in February, and she had not chosen to go abroad immediately after graduation.

Leh Ying deftly changed the subject, "How have you been feeling?"

Leh Yaolin spoke softly, "I couldn't come to see you at school in person. You should be happy."

"Dad," Leh Ying said with a teasing smile.