Grace (7)

Leh Ying unraveled the kraft paper seal, inside of which there was a pen for signing documents and a seal.

I truly admire the meticulousness and thoroughness of those in white gloves.

She opened the workbench and flipped through the pages one by one, official documents with no mistakes.

While signing the documents, Leh Ying called out to inquire of Xiao Li, "Where's the gentleman?"

Xiaoli replied, "He's not at Dongshan Villa."

Leh Ying tilted her head to look outside the window; the night sky draped down, with bright lights casting reflections.

"Is he off enjoying romantic adventures at this hour or is he visiting the elders?" Leh Ying asked.

Xiao Li said, "Private matters, I'm not sure."

Leh Ying dialed the number she knew by heart. After a long series of tones and just when she was about to give up, the call was finally answered.