Chapter 1 She Kicks Everyone Indiscriminately

"What? You're saying I only have 3 hours to live?!" Jiang Ning lay on the hospital bed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Having just woken up from a coma, to be informed of such dire news, who could sit still!

She was only twenty-three years old, still so young, how could she be about to prematurely go to the Underworld for tea with Yama Raja!

[Yes, because you are under great work stress every day, your interactions with family members at home are also unpleasant, often leaving you sulking. The little time you have for yourself to secretly read novels requires staying up late, which has excessively depleted your health, leading to overwork and depression, and you've contracted a terminal illness.]

The System's voice was ordinary and unremarkable.

Beautiful tears immediately welled up in Jiang Ning's lovely apricot-shaped eyes.

Staring at the pure white ceiling overhead, she reached out to press the call button.

A young doctor in a white lab coat came in with a medical record book, speaking to Jiang Ning with a pitying expression, "Miss Jiang, there is an unfortunate piece of news we need to inform you about concerning your illness..."

If there were any falsehood in the System's words, then what the doctor said was definitely true!

Having been truly diagnosed with late-stage cancer, Jiang Ning immediately pulled out the IV needle from her hand and got up from the hospital bed.

The young nurse was shocked, "Patient, what are you doing?!"

Jiang Ning gave her an odd look, "Discharge."

If she couldn't live, then what was the point of continuing the IV.

With the last 3 hours of her life remaining, of course, she had to do something meaningful.

Having retrieved her phone, Jiang Ning, clad in her hospital attire, strode out vigorously, opening the backseat of a taxi and sitting down with a clear voice, "Driver, to the Yongan Garden villas!"



Miss Huo Miao of the Huo family has recently become popular for her lead role in "Fu Hua Palace"; the Huo family specially hosted a party for her at the villa.

Dressed in a blue gown, Huo Miao stood in the hall surrounded by adoring stars.

Upon seeing her, Jiang Ning's eyes spat fire.

This white lotus who stole her identity, enjoyed all the benefits, and constantly gossiped and stirred up trouble, splashing dirty water all over her!

Jiang Ning, with a menacing presence, strode forward, grabbed Huo Miao's hair, pulled her over, and delivered two slaps right across her face.

A sting on the scalp was followed by a slap on the face.

Huo Miao let out a pig-like squeal, "Ahh ahh ahh!"

"Stop the racket." Jiang Ning raised her hand for another two slaps.

The sharp and clear slaps stunned the crowd.

Huo Miao immediately shut her mouth.

Jiang Ning shook her hand covertly, "..."

The face of a green tea b*tch is indeed thick; QAQ her hand hurt from the slapping...

Her gaze fell on the swimming pool outside the villa, and she dragged the limp Huo Miao toward it.

Huo Miao tried to struggle, but for some reason, this person was so strong! She couldn't break free at all!

Jiang Ning had already dragged Huo Miao to the swimming pool and pushed her in with a lift of her hand.


Water splattered everywhere, shocking everyone present.

Elder brother rushed over in a hurry, his face livid, bellowing, "Jiang Ning, have you gone mad? What the hell are you doing!"

Jiang Ning was frenzied, her voice louder and angrier than his, "What am I doing! I'm about to die in the hospital! You don't come to see me, yet you're here, happily partying!"

"What does your death have to do with us!" Huo Ziheng, who was a non-swimmer, dared not go into the water. He could only roar, "Quick, rescue Miaomiao! I'll deal with you in a moment!"

"Hah!" Jiang Ning scoffed coldly, stepped forward, and with a kick, plunked Huo Ziheng into the water.

"Ahh ahh ahh! What's happening? Jiang Ning! How are you here! What's going on!"

Following Mother Huo, who had hastily arrived, looked on in complete shock.

Father Huo followed her, his calm brow furrowed, "Jiang Ning, you're sick again."

With his son and daughter having fallen into the water, Father Huo still found the composure to save face in front of the onlooking guests, "I apologize, Jiang Ning has had a mental illness since she was a child, often unable to control her emotions and behavior."

"Mental illness! I think you're the one who's sick! Your whole family is sick!" Jiang Ning stepped forward and viciously kicked Father Huo, sending him flying two meters and then plunging into the swimming pool.

She didn't spare Mother Huo, who was standing to the side, either, delivering a flying kick that sent her tumbling in, "If you don't like me, why did you take me back in the first place!"

Father Huo struggled to his feet in the pool, his face a picture of disgrace, as he scolded, "Mad! You're really mad!"

Jiang Ning raised her cellphone and took several "click, click" photos of the four people in the water, sparing a moment to respond, "You're just now realizing it?"

She still remembered Father Huo had just called her a mental patient, and she retorted with self-righteous indignation, "Anyway, I have a mental illness, what can you do about it?"

Father Huo was shaking with anger, "Where is the security! Arrest her for me!"

The security guards, who had been playing dead behind the onlookers, had no choice but to come out.

Watching them approach her like so many soft-footed shrimp, Jiang Ning didn't hesitate to lash out, kicking them away one by one.






Even the sounds of their entry into the water were melodious, perfectly in sync.

Jiang Ning enjoyed the scene for a moment before kicking the last person, who, as fate would have it, landed right on top of Huo Miao, who was about to claw her way out of the water.

Huo Miao was knocked by the person into a hard stone in front of her, her body aching, and then with a cry of "ah," she fell back into the water.

She was the guest of honor at today's banquet, having gotten up before dawn to dress and style herself, wearing a low-cut, sequined light blue mermaid gown.

The originally ethereal dress became transparent upon meeting the water, revealing her voluptuous and pale desirable figure, her superior and proud curves mesmerizing the crowd.

Huo Miao's face flushed with embarrassment as she cried loudly in the water.

The more miserable she cried, the angrier Father Huo and Mother Huo became, and the happier Jiang Ning felt inside.

Her identity had been maliciously swapped with Huo Miao's since they were children.

Originally the real Huo family heiress, Jiang Ning was sold to a mountain village and suffered bullying and abuse since childhood. It was not easy to make her way back to the Huo family, who couldn't bear to part with Huo Miao, the girl they had raised from childhood. Not only did they hide her true heir status, but they also demanded that she swallow her grievances and bear it all.

And she really was out of her mind before!

Foolishly seeking that worthless affection, she really did keep making concessions! Even when splashed with dirty water by Huo Miao, she would only explain, never lash out.

Otherwise, how could she have developed a terminal illness at such a young age due to frequently suppressing her anger?

Before returning to the Huo family, she wandered alone outside, living more happily than a deity.

She had wandered for three years without a single illness, but not long after returning to the Huo family, she had reached the late stages of a terminal disease!

At this thought, Jiang Ning's expression darkened, and the urge to hit someone surged within her again.

She looked up towards the Huo family members. Father Huo, Mother Huo, and Huo Ziheng had, with the help of others, successfully climbed out of the water and, noticing Jiang Ning's sullen gaze, shuddered.

Jiang Ning felt an itch in her hands, and just as she was about to go over and drag the Huo family members back, a voice from the System echoed in her mind:

[Ding! A felon has been detected committing a murder in the East City District. Host must proceed to the crime scene immediately and capture the fugitive.]

Jiang Ning frowned, "You're still here?"

[We're already bound, I can't leave until the host dies, so please go complete the task,] the System switched to a cute tone.

Rolling her eyes, Jiang Ning was about to speak when the System added: [Task reward: 3 days of life value.]

3 days of life value?

Was there such a good deal?

Catching sight of the two hours and eight minutes she had left to live, Jiang Ning glared at the Huo family members, "I've got some business to attend to, if I live I'll come back to beat you up!"