Chapter 2 Catch the First Culprit

At the entrance of Tianxin Shopping Plaza, a man with an angry expression brandished a kitchen knife while riding an electric scooter through the streets. A traffic policeman spotted him and stopped him; however, the man got off his bike and, without saying a word, swung the kitchen knife at the policeman, striking him multiple times. Bright red blood gushed from the wounds, and the policeman collapsed, severely injured.

The incident happened in just an instant. People standing nearby didn't even have time to react before the man, still holding the bloody knife, quickly grabbed another man nearby as a hostage.

"Ahhhh! Help!" the strong man who was seized cried out in terror.

Who would have thought he'd be in such a life-threatening situation just by going out to buy a pack of cigarettes?

Was it still possible to throw away that pack of cigarettes in his pocket now?

Only then did the bystanders begin to understand what had happened. Fearful screams filled the air, and the scene became utterly chaotic.

Some people had already called emergency services and the police, but nobody dared to approach the man who was waving a kitchen knife and ordering people to back off. Everyone just prayed for the police and ambulance to arrive quickly.

It wasn't until the ambulance arrived that people worked together to lift the policeman onto the vehicle.

The police arrived quickly, but due to the assailant's weapon and hostage, they held back from advancing, choosing instead to surround the perpetrator.

When Jiang Ning arrived, she was met with this stand-off scene.

Seeing the pool of fresh blood on the ground and the moment she laid eyes on the criminal, Jiang Ning could guess his motive for the crime.

The assailant, Wang Qiang, had abused his wife for years, and when she finally mustered the courage to ask for a divorce, he didn't repent but became enraged instead, suspecting his wife of an affair.

Especially after a scumbag friend sent him a photo of his wife laughing with another man, Wang Qiang took a kitchen knife and rode out aimlessly on his bike until the traffic policeman stopped him, and he vented all his anger on the officer, leaving him seriously wounded.

Jiang Ning was furious, "This scumbag!"

If it weren't for the hostage in his hand, Jiang Ning would have driven her car straight into the scumbag and sent him flying!

As she stepped closer to the perpetrator, she asked the System in her mind, "If I die trying to catch this scumbag, does it count as a work injury?"

The System replied with the gentlest voice uttering the most ruthless words: [It counts as the Host's risk of death, oh.]

Hearing this reply, Jiang Ning added another person to her list of those she wanted to send flying with her car.

Jiang Ning took a deep breath and tried to restrain the emotions inside her.

As everyone else retreated, Jiang Ning moved forward.

Her approach, against the flow, quickly drew the attention of the police and Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang glared at her, watchful, "What are you doing! Take one more step, and I'll slash his face!"

Saying this, he pressed the kitchen knife he had been holding against the man's neck to his face.

The terrified large man who weighed over 160 pounds trembled, "Big, big brother, calm down. I've done nothing to you. I have elders above and children below. If something happens to me, my whole family will fall apart! Please, let me go."

A policeman immediately stepped forward to pull Jiang Ning away, "This is dangerous; non-involved people need to retreat quickly."

Obediently standing her ground, Jiang Ning addressed Wang Qiang, "Big brother, don't be afraid; I'm not here to stop you from killing him, I want to join you."


Such a statement stunned everyone present.

Is this something a human would say?!

Some of the onlookers even looked at Jiang Ning with anger and contempt.

Could she be accomplice number two?!

Someone raised their phone high, the camera lens trained on Jiang Ning.

Even Wang Qiang, holding the knife, was momentarily unable to respond, his brain glitching for a moment as he looked at the girl who was standing ten meters away from him, "What did you say?"

"I said, I want to join you." Jiang Ning raised her hand to touch the corner of her eye, where there were no tears, appearing frail and vulnerable, "I've just been discharged from the hospital, with terminal cancer. I don't want to live anymore, and I've been worried about not having a place to die. Take me hostage."

"I've been without a family since I was a child, everyone on my household register is gone. Now that I have this disease, I don't plan on living. You want to escape, right? Look, that big brother definitely won't cooperate with you, but I will."

"I'll help you escape, and after you're safe, you can kill me to celebrate, okay?"

Jiang Ning spoke in the softest tone, yet uttered the harshest words about herself.

Her deceptive appearance, dressed in the patient's attire from the hospital, having lain in a coma for over a month, sustained only by IV drips, her face thin, the loose striped clothes hanging emptily on her body, all lent credibility to her words.