Chapter 9 The Pure Male Lead Appears


The light blue taxi stopped at the hotel entrance.

After paying the fare, Jiang Ning, carrying her suitcase, stepped out of the vehicle.

Before the Huo Family took her back, Jiang Ning stayed in the dormitory during the school term and went out to find part-time jobs to support herself during the holidays.

She had no place to settle down in Capital City, so Jiang Ning planned to stay in a hotel temporarily until she found a new residence.

After completing the check-in process, Jiang Ning took her key card and entered the elevator.

A tall man also entered the elevator with her.

Jiang Ning didn't pay much attention, pressed the button for her floor, and stepped back.

Her room was on the fifth floor, and the other person pressed for the ninth floor.

As he reached out to press the elevator button, Jiang Ning suddenly noticed that his hands were long-fingered and clean, the knuckles distinct as he touched the button, and the back of his hand was large, with a beautiful bone structure.

Jiang Ning couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The elevator doors slowly closed.

The elevator began to ascend, and as it reached the fourth floor, it suddenly shook twice, causing Jiang Ning to stagger and a sense of foreboding to well up in her heart.

Could it be?

Could she be that unlucky?

Jiang Ning lifted her head.


The lights in the elevator went out.

This was the first time Jiang Ning had encountered an elevator malfunction.

She grabbed the handrail with one hand and pulled out her phone from her pocket with the other.

Using the light from the phone screen, Jiang Ning moved to press the elevator's buttons, but there was no response. Her finger quickly moved to the emergency help button nearby.

Unsure if the elevator would fall or experience another mishap, Jiang Ning remained vigilant, never letting go of the handrail.

She called for help on her phone, clearly stated her exact location, then calmly hung up and waited for rescue.

Although this was the hotel's elevator, someone was bound to notice after it malfunctioned.

But getting out earlier to avoid any complications would be best.

However... why was it so quiet in the elevator?

What about the person who entered the elevator with her?

Why wasn't he making any sound?

Jiang Ning turned on the flashlight feature of her phone and looked to the side, only to see no one!

How could such a conspicuous tall figure simply vanish?!

Jiang Ning's expression changed.

A glance at the corner revealed the hunched-over figure she had missed.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jiang Ning asked.

The person was curled up in a ball, head buried in their knees, seemingly deaf to Jiang Ning's questions.

If one looked closely, they could see the person's body was trembling slightly.

A furrow developed between Jiang Ning's brows as the words "claustrophobia" popped into her head.

[Eh, Host, where are you?]

The drowsy voice of the System echoed in Jiang Ning's mind.

It scanned Jiang Ning's surroundings on reflex and its tone quickly turned to one of surprise: [Wow, who is the person crouched in the corner? A friend of the Host? Where did the Host meet someone with such a pure soul, with a Good and Evil Value of 0!]

"I don't know him. Just met him in the elevator now," Jiang Ning replied succinctly. "What's Good and Evil Value?"

[Good and Evil Value is the most straightforward data to detect a person's moral conduct.]

[The higher the Good and Evil Value, the greater the probability of that person committing a crime.]

[The Good and Evil Value for ordinary people is generally around two to five points, indicating occasional anger. Petty thieves usually score around ten points or more, while murderers generally have a Good and Evil Value of eighty or above, which is considered a stage of evil.]

Jiang Ning just responded with an "Oh," signaling that she understood.

Looking at the man's data in the elevator, the System was amazed: [The Host is somewhat violent today, the type to seek revenge on the spot, so the Good and Evil Value is three points. But this person, having a Good and Evil Value of 0! This is the System's first time encountering a man with a Good and Evil Value of 0 since it left the factory!]

If it had a physical form, it certainly would have circled the man a few times out of curiosity to study him thoroughly.

Though Jiang Ning was initially uninterested in the man, the System's buzzing voice suddenly aroused her curiosity about him.

Good and Evil Value of 0.

Doesn't that mean this person doesn't have a trace of anger?

Seeing the unresponsive elevator buttons, Jiang Ning shifted her position and prodded him with her hand: "Are you sure you're okay?"
